| 12 January 2012 (USA)
Manslaughter Trailers

Doodslag (Dutch for "Manslaughter") is the story of Max, a paramedic who is repeatedly hindered in performing his duties by loutish behaviour. As his ambulance hurries towards a complicated childbirth, some youths prevent Max from reaching the distressed woman in labour. Spurred on by the emergency and the incendiary words of a TV pundit, he reaches a boiling point and forcefully hits one of the men obstructing his ambulance. Max's strike has far-reaching, unintended consequences.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Arconada This could have been an interesting movie, but it failed for more than one reasons. Being a public figure is not everybody's cup of tea. Max (the leading part) feels humiliated when he sees himself in a TV-show after he has been secretly filmed at his job, working on an ambulance. A comedian, a sidekick in a popular TV-show, ridicules him publicly for his docile behavior in a confrontation with some obnoxious people. Not long after, Max is confronted again with youth who aggressively block his way on a ride to a matter of life-or-death childbirth. Is it the humiliation or the stress? It's not clear, but he beats one of the youngsters and continues his ride, saves the mother and baby, only to find out that the youngster he has hit is taken to hospital as well, and dies there. Unfortunately, this incident was also filmed in secret, and aired on the same TV-show, and commented on by the same comedian. He is sentenced for manslaughter. The dilemma, this life or that life, is shown very well, and by itself is enough to make an interesting movie. Unfortunately, the movie doesn't stop there. The tension bleeds away when the movie continues; after his release from prison he finds he lost his job and is confronted again with the group of youngsters, who seek revenge. In trying to cool down the situation, he only makes things worse. He is driven into the hands of the comedian who ridiculed him before, and gets used by him in his stage act. Finally he gets himself a gun and goes on a "nothing left to lose" spree to set things right. It ends with his suicide. As I said, the tension is only present in the first part of the movie; the rest just makes the movie weak. But there is more. First of all, the main character, Max, is supposed to be a good-natured fellow. Unfortunately, the movie makers did not choose an actor but a comedian for this role. And not just any comedian, no, it's a comedian especially known for his abusive behavior. How else would you call someone, who brags about his stealing of sport-trophy's, who is convicted for sexually attacking a female spectator on stage, who smashed the expensive equipment of a professional photographer, or who publicly compared the looks of an aging popular female singer with the aberration of necrophilia? This is the man that now has to convince us that he is a meek ambulance driver. That's an impossible task for someone who is not a professional actor, of course. But that is not all. The taxi driver that delivers him a gun, as well as the father of the boy that was killed are not trained actors but comedians as well. They both have single line performances, so they are not able to shake off that comedy-feeling on first recognition. The sidekick in the TV-show, however, supposed to be a comedian, is really an actor (thank heavens for that). When following his script as the sidekick, he plays his role better than anybody else in this movie, but when he has to play his role as a comedian on stage, he can't convince us as such, because they forgot to give him some interesting lines.Why did they make those reversals, why did they not use real actors? The acting of the comedians is not at all convincing. Strangely enough, a real find is the use of the talk show in this movie. It's actually a real and popular show which sometimes really does abuse anonymous bystanders in previously aired TV-clips, dragging them into the focal point of attention, like " notice to these people in the background, see how silly they behave." Some of the sidekicks in this show are known for their controversial statements, like naming people in unfounded accusations of child molest or promotion of mob justice. I have no idea why the producers of this show ever thought it was a good thing to cooperate in this movie. All in all, the movie is only interesting in the first part, and could have been better if real actors would had been hired.
Lara Oude Alink After watching this movie, I was left with the feeling I still didn't know what exactly it wanted to say. It touches on so many different subjects and moral dilemmas, but never goes deeper to actually try and give its view on what happens. It goes from ethnic problems in society to the influential power of the media and the moral role of comedians,and more, all in one movie. I believe exploring one or two of these themes in one movie is difficult enough as it is. This is the movie's biggest flaw, in my opinion.But the same criticism can be applied to the characters. Their motivations are all over the place. They change with almost every scene. And after so many changes, you stop believing in them. The actions of some characters simply don't make sense. Why would Max, a man who lives for caring for others and simply snapped at one point, a man who has honest remorse, actively plan to threaten all the people who have made things hard for him? Why would Felix help/exploit him in such a way? Why do we never see the girlfriend again? I know these questions are sort of answered, but in my opinion, it doesn't make that much sense. The story is full, moves at a very quick pace and doesn't seem to know what it wants to get across. You could even say that there is too much story.In the strongest scenes of the movie, the atmosphere speaks for itself and there is no need to explain anything or make things more complicated. In the scene where Max watches in silence what his actions on the fatal night have resulted in, there is no commentary or plot line necessary. It's about life and death and the hard work of an ambulance worker standing in between, shown in a grim but realistic manner. It never exaggerates in the way I thought of lot of scenes did. I found myself asking 'are there really so many people out there who act like this?' The problems and difficult people the ambulance workers are faced with seem so plentiful and over the top that it seems as if everyone is out to get them.The locations and interesting music add loads of atmosphere to this movie, and are, next to the great, intense performances from everyone in the cast, the best part of it. The camera is well used to intensify this. The only thing I did not think was necessary at all, was the temporary shift to black and white. I thought it was more distracting than anything else.Theo Maassen is great in this role. The script makes him play many different aspects of Max as a character (powerless and remorseful at first, angry later and desperate in the end) but he pulls them all off naturally. It's also very interesting from a 'meta' point of view to see an actor playing a comedian make fun of a comedian who is an actor here. The self-referential value of the scenes with Max on stage is remarkable. These points, and the destructive but touching ending makes this movie worth watching, in my opinion.
rstySp00n A lot is already said in the other reviews, one better than the other, but every review is a persona view on the movie.I gave the movie 7 out of 10 because of the acting of Theo (main character) I also loved him in TBS (movie about a form of psychological help (TBS) some criminals get upon their punishment viewed by most people as a means to keep them locked up longer). Theo isn't a real actor, but he's a natural talent for dark, psycho, depressed, and weird guys. The rest of the cast did also pretty good, for Dutch standards.The other reason I gave the movie 7/10 is the idea and the beginning. People being harassed by youth on scooters is a hot item in the Netherlands. Another hot item is the fact that people don't do anything and rather stand and watch or call the police instead of helping victims.One of the big reasons for this (cowardly) behavior is events in the past of people who did stand up and fought back were actually treated worse and punished harder than the criminal. That's also the red line in the movie, is Max a hero or a villain.Recent political shifts towards the right spectrum changed some of the laws. The Justice department is now supposed to punish people who harass the emergency services a lot harder, but police and other services complain there aren't many changes. Another change is that peoples who started as the victim but changed the tides on the criminal aren't arrested anymore and treated like a criminal. They are allowed to stay home and go on with their live but are expected to show up at the court when being called in. Another realistic part of the movie is the influence of the media, the opinion of Dutch people is very easy manipulated also in real live. There are certain TV-shows which are considered "intelligent" and whatever they say is considered "the truth".This movie combines all those factors pretty good, but it kinda gets over the top and becomes unrealistic. The movie starts with a message but ends with nothing, I think it's a missed opportunity. A bit as if the director didn't know where to go, serious or just entertainment.too bad, but still a good movie and I would love to see Theo Maassen in a good psycho thriller again.
dusan-22 Very intelligent movie with the art film moments. Excellent acting, very good European camera school, good editing. Can't find anything bad about it. Casting was superb and actor who plays Max was just made for this role. Great drama and hard social question about the world we live in with the pretty critical answer suggested. Moral dilemmas in the world without moral are turning against our hero. Then, heroism is relative and changeable in time but money stays the main master. Power of mass control presented by the character of an evil showman looks exactly as the world we live in controlled and operated by mass media. It twists and turns the public opinion when needed and by that controls the moral values by its material needs and not by the need for true. What happens to an honest man as Max in such world is getting lost and then losing himself. Very intelligent portrait of the modern world moral values versus a good man. And one more thing: the movie is definitely not a thriller.