Run Lola Run
Run Lola Run
R | 18 June 1999 (USA)
Run Lola Run Trailers

Lola receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. He lost 100,000 DM in a subway train that belongs to a very bad guy. She has 20 minutes to raise this amount and meet Manni. Otherwise, he will rob a store to get the money. Three different alternatives may happen depending on some minor event along Lola's run.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
HeadlinesExotic Boring
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
B.J. Rice This is a brilliant film. Tons of great action and suspense, a real thriller that isn't so much about scaring the audience as just keeping them on the edge of their seats. It also has lots of great comedic moments as well. It's like Groundhog's Day meets Frantic or Sliding Doors... hard to describe but totally unique and will keep your attention.
MJB784 The story isn't well explained. Why exactly do these gangsters for her boyfriend to give them the $100,000? There's no real explanation. Nor is there an explanation why he didn't tell Lola sooner. There are two ways this movie could have gone, story wise, but it didn't go in either direction: 1. The whole movie could have been told in a single point of view without being divided up by three possibilities with the point of view being, of course, Lola's. This way it would be less predictable by the second or third act of the movie. 2. Another possibility is if the writers go with the multiple scenarios, but not just through Lola's eyes. For example: The first act could work just fine as it is, but the second act could focus on what her boyfriend is doing the whole time Lola is running to him when she isn't on camera. Then a third point of view could be what her parents are going through at the same second the first and second acts of the film take place. This way, it won't repeat the same thing almost exactly the same way. A much better movie that deals with different possibilities like this is Rashomon. In that one, it's the same story told from different characters. No necessarily repeating the same story with a slightly different ending.
natalie-97976 Love these type of complex/alternate storylines. Had me entertained the entire film and the majority of it is Lola running
SnoopyStyle Lola (Franka Potente) receives a phone call from her boyfriend Manni. When she fails to show up to pick him up, he had to take the subway. He leaves behind 100k DM in a bag on the train when the cops show up. A vagrant picks it up. Manni has only 20 minutes before bad guy Ronnie expects the money. Manni has the idea to rob a store but Lola begs him to wait. Lola goes on a run to get the money first from her father. It doesn't turn out well. The story restarts and she goes on a second run to her father. Then she goes on a third.The premise is interesting but problematic. It has the cleverness of Groundhog Day but I don't like the third run. There are changes in the third run that doesn't make sense. Why couldn't she get to her father when she got to him the first two times? Why would the vagrant run into the bike rider? The vagrant is at the wrong place. The changes don't seem to be valid. I do like the kinetic energy of the movie. I like the visual style. I also like how the people's futures are revealed like fun little vignettes. Also Franka Potente has a great star quality. She is able to sell this premise.