Spare Parts
Spare Parts
| 21 May 1979 (USA)
Spare Parts Trailers

Honeymooning couple Monica and Mike check into a motel in New Mexico. All seems normal until an ambulance pulls up and abducts Mike. Monica narrowly escapes and, with the help of truck driver Bill, discovers the awful secret of the motel and the ambulance service.

Ehirerapp Waste of time
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Rainey Dawn Drive-in 50-pack is where I got this film, under the name "Spare Parts". I didn't think I would like it but the movie actually pulled me in - got me interested fairly fast and held it to the end of the film - I was surprised.It's a weird film! A couple gets married, goes on honeymoon, stays at the honeymoon motel, here comes the ambulance then complete strangeness of the film begins. The more of the film you watch, the stranger it gets.The movie will have you asking questions: Why didn't she go to the police right from the start? Why did truck driver Bill help her (he never answered her nor the viewer's question)? Why did the truck drivers help her? When the police did get involved, why didn't she tell them there ARE other witnesses - the truck drivers? What happened to the ambulance drivers at the end of the film - were they caught? Dr.Jackson is creepy - even when she decides to turn herself into the police and helps the girl she's just plain creepy! This is not a great film but it is an interesting one. It takes some twists and turns that are unexpected - it's not a slasher film like I thought it was going to be. It's not perfect - it's got it's flaws - but it is worth watching for a 1970s made for TV horror-thriller.6/10
Wizard-8 I was drawn to watch this movie in part because it was a foreign production filmed and set in America, and that promised that the movie would have a unique angle. The portrayal of America is surprisingly balanced - there is a deep and deadly conspiracy in the story, but the movie does give us plenty of innocent and helpful American characters at the same time. Unfortunately, this interesting balance is about the only good thing I can say about the movie. Certainly I can't blame the filmmakers for the atrocious dubbing, but they are guilty of other things. At 105 minutes, the movie is way too long (and slow) for its own good. Along this tedious journey are some real unbelievable plot elements like the fact the protagonists don't consider contacting the police until very late into the story. The movie is also directed with no sense of style, with no tension or any great feelings coming from the movie at any moment - it always feel flat. It's capped off with one of the worst opening/closing credits songs I have ever heard in a motion picture. There is the occasional hint of a decent (though not original) thriller here, but as a whole it simply does not work.
dimmerfive-1 During the long winter of 2009 I discovered the 50 movie value pack DVD's from Millcreek . These contain Films that fall into public domain and range from truly awful to outstanding. Thus the film "Spare Parts " aka " Fleisch " a little gem of a movie I would of passed up in a video store judging from the video box artwork ( a girl chopped up on the cover )thinking it would be another stupid slasher flick but as I got to view it I was surprised to find a great thriller with an outstanding synthesizer score by Eugen Thomas. The plot is simple an organization kidnapping people for their organs, but due to the filming locations (the desert of New Mexico, the streets of Manhatten) good acting and the great eerie synthesizer score this movie is Highly Recommended . way better than the crap that Hollywood has been producing in the last 10 years ( look how they botched " The Day the Earth stood Still " ) Check it out ! and let's hope somebody can put out a soundtrack compilation of the works of Eugen Thomas.
The_Void Going by the title, you would be forgiven for thinking this film would be some sort of grisly slasher; but actually (and disappointingly) it's a subdued made-for-TV thriller that bears more than just a passing similarity to Michael Crichton's 1978 film, Coma. The film is directed by Rainer Erler and is a German made film; although it takes place in Texas, USA. Being a TV film, you've got to expect it not to be heavy on the gore and special effects; and this is the case. Spare Parts relies on the plot and its characters to remain thrilling...and unfortunately it doesn't really pull it off effectively. The plot focuses on a newlywed couple having their honeymoon in Texas. They stop at a motel and meet the friendly proprietor; shortly before an ambulance swings by and abducts the husband. The girl goes back to the motel for help; but the proprietor insists she's never seen her before. The woman ends up getting a lift with a trucker, who helps her get to the bottom of the mystery.This plot has been done several times; not only in the aforementioned Coma, but also in later efforts such as Larry Clark's The Ambulance. The film feels very cheap throughout, and never manages to get past its TV movie status. At one hundred and five minutes, it really has to be said that the film is too long also; and it becomes less than interesting before the end. The central character; a young German woman is fairly likable, although despite the long running time; we don't really get to know a great deal about her. The plot certainly could have been very interesting, but not a great deal is made of it. There's very little suspense in the film either and that doesn't exactly help the film when it comes to the excitement stakes. To its credit, however, the plot does at least make sense throughout and the film does feature an ending that wraps everything up nicely. Spare Parts is not an easy film to find and to be honest I wouldn't recommend anyone bothers to track it down - Coma is (slightly) better anyway!