Man of Her Dreams
Man of Her Dreams
| 18 November 1997 (USA)
Man of Her Dreams Trailers

After suspecting her husband is playing the field, a nervous woman finds a sympathetic ear in the form of a strange man. The drawback is that her sensitive new-found friend is an obsessive psychopath.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
JamieWJackson This movie kept my attention all the way through, waiting to see what would happen. The only problem is that there wasn't any real lesson to be learned here, other than "don't have an affair", which should hardly need saying. What would have earned a higher score from me would have been to showcase some sort of syndrome or personality disorder and illustrate something about that. As it is, the villain doesn't seem to match anything. He acts like a psychopath some of the time, but shows some emotions which appear genuine at other times (and they occur when he's alone, so it isn't that he's faking them; he had no audience). He just appears to be a semi-generic Really Messed Up Person.The acting is pretty good and the entire production is sufficient for a low-budget psycho-thriller. If you just need something to watch for an hour and a half, this will do. Just don't expect anything terribly deep from it in the end.
preppy-3 A happily married woman Faith (Lysette Anthony), has a one-night stand with Walter (handsome William R. Moses). Turns out he's a psycho and wants her to leave her husband (Patrick Cassidy). She rejects him and...guess what happens?Thoroughly predictable but not bad. The script is very well-written and all the actors give out good performances (even Cassidy whose part is criminally underwritten. Also, Wanda Acshna is fantastic as one of Faiths friends. Also the film wins extra points for keeping the violence down to a minimum.No great shakes but well done. An enjoyable time killer.
8-Foot This movie is so empty and vacuous it's hard even to comment. "Man..."/"Fiance" falls into the suspense---you wish---psycho serial killer genre. Everything suffers from terminal malnutrition: the plot, the dialogue, the direction, the acting, the score, not to mention each of its two titles ("The Fiance"??? Really!). The actors are pros but have absolutely nothing to work with nor any apparent direction. The characters connect neither to each other nor to the plot, the bones of which have no meat on them and barely connect to each other. No effort is wasted on creating or building tension; when someone gets killed, it's a non-event.One minimal plus: a couple of slightly interesting outdoor locations. (Ha! Now you can leave or go back to sleep.)Pathetic!
kathryn8691 This film was very good with much suspense through out. I do not understand why the movie has a 5.2 user rating. It was very entertaining and kept me at the edge of my seat. I saw this on the cable network, FX and for a Cable TV movie. this movie was better than most. It kept my attention and since I watched it late at night while laying on the couch at times and that I did not fall asleep that is quite an accomplishment. Although it is predictable and not quite in the same league as "What Lies Beneath", I would definitely recommend this movie to my friends and family.