Mako: The Jaws of Death
Mako: The Jaws of Death
NR | 01 July 1976 (USA)
Mako: The Jaws of Death Trailers

A man accidentally learns that he has a mystical connection with sharks, and is given a strange medallion by a shaman. Becoming more and more alienated from normal society, he develops an ability to communicate with sharks telepathically, setting out to destroy anybody who harms sharks. People enter into his strange world to exploit his weird passion, and he uses the animals to gain revenge on anybody who double crosses him.

Alicia I love this movie so much
SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Coventry This film proudly opens with the following announcement: "The producers wish to express their sincerest gratitude to the members of the underwater crew who risked their lives to film the shark sequences without the benefit of cages or other protective devices". Hell yeah they should be grateful! Especially because, at that point, the cameramen probably didn't yet know anything about how tepid the story lines and how ridiculous the plot of "Mako: The Jaws of Death" actually were! I'm secretly convinced that these people severely regretted the life-endangering efforts they made once they got to see the finished product. "We risked our lives for this piece of crap?!?" And they would be right, too. Anyways, let's start with a bit of good news first! Despite the title and the big virulent white teeth parading the VHS-cover, this is NOT a rip-off of Jaws at all. Writer/director William Grefé only eagerly cashed in on the popularity of sharks in horror movies, but he was ambitious enough to come up with an entirely original and personal story-idea, albeit an incredibly silly one. Sonny Stein has a great understanding with sharks and refers to them as his friends. That is to say, he feeds the sharks and protects them against greedy fishermen, and in exchange they don't eat him when he goes for a swim. The kind of relationship Willard had with rats. Through a flashback, Stein explains to a random striptease dancer how an old & anonymous shaman handed him a peculiar amulet, and since then the sharks obey him. Stein is also extremely naive and dumb, as he 'donates' sharks, supposedly for good causes, to a science lab and to a sleazy (and mega-fat) bar-owner for an original entertainment act. When both place abuse the animals, Stein immediately avenges his friends. The script is too implausible & idiotic for words, but everyone involved takes it very serious, like it's the most essentially moralistic nature-versus-humans movie ever made. However, there are one or two good sequences to enjoy, notably the one where the shark-whispering hero kills a poacher and drags him behind his own boat; his mouth attached to a hook. The budget was generally very low, so don't expect too many special effects. Heck, whenever there's supposed to a shark attack going on, you just see a couple of fuzzy images and water mixed with red paint to raise the impression the sea turned red with blood. The acting performances are downright atrocious to observe. Especially Richard Jaeckel ("The Amazing Mr. No Legs", "Grizzly") really sucks in the lead. Maybe he subconsciously realized that the screenplay was a bunch of nonsense and his acting talent therefore went on a strike. His character also hasn't got a sense of humor, which is a huge mistake according to me. He doesn't use his shark-friends to score with the ladies, doesn't say anything witty when he hunts down shark killers and he doesn't even make a joke about how astonishingly fat and tasteless the owner of the striptease bar is! He's just a silent, arrogant and asocial loner who cares too much about sharks. How sad. I'm generously rewarding this film with a four out of ten rating because I appreciate the effort and because I like sharks but, in all honesty, "Mako: The Jaws of Death" isn't worth any rating higher than two.
transient-2 the protagonist of this movie is very much like his near-sexual obsession - the shark - as it is described: a "misunderstood predator". Added to this, as a vengeful crusader for shark equality he's not only a murderous psychopath, he's also an unfriendly, arrogant man with a big ugly medallion and no sense of humor. In this film humans and sharks both live in competitive worlds where hunting is both the business and the pleasure. Don't expect anything edifying. The dialogue is histrionic and combative with a few genuine gems like: "You are a SICKIE! Get out of here you SHARK-LOVER!"Indeed, it's implied that sharks replace women for our curiously masculine anti-hero - ("I wouldn't be surprised if them baby sharks come out lookin' just like him.") In the beginning, he sits at a bar and watches a sexy woman on stage, as the audience hoots and howls. Later, the girl is replaced by a shark...yes, It's a feeding frenzy of abysmal performances!I would recommend this film for one reason alone - the soundtrack. There are some nice ambient grooves in here, and more than one scene has music similar to Pink Floyd circa 1969, with keyboards from 'More' or 'Ummagumma'...only this is easy listening music for creatures with walnut-sized brains.
pinoymtb2000 The story is about a guy who received a shark amulet from an old man from Mindanao, Philippines in w/c later he's protecting all of his friends ( the sharks ) and he afters those people who hunts or use sharks for business. Then later, he feels tired, killed those shark hunters and users, when he drops the amulet, his friends ( sharks ) killed him. Very very basic yet enjoyable enough, easy to understand film in w/c the focus is a semi-revenge, semi-friend loving revenge films, an average one, but worth the watch. Recommended for peeps who likes shark movies and underwater and fishing lovers too. The amulet makes it a semi-fantasy film.
Wulfstan10 This is without a doubt one of the worst films I have ever seen. My wife, some friends, and I rented this because we thought we could at least laugh at how bad it was. We were wrong.The basic story has some, but little, promise or value, while the plot development and screenplay are extremely forced, contrived, and, in a word, cretinous. The basic story itself is ludicrous but could have been the core of a much better film had the development been handled with at least some skill, and had the makers not thrown in seemingly haphazard, unexplained scenes or focused on apparently irrelevant events that seem destined to have some role only to be forgotten half way through. The directing, acting, etc., are all utterly dreadful and the cinematography is little better than that of a home-made movie. Richard Jaeckel, befitting his vast experience compared to the other cast members, is a bit better than the others and only he sometimes has some dim spark that brings his acting up to a mediocre level. The other "actors" are universally abysmal. I could add more, but this film really isn't worth much effort.
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