Lust for Love
Lust for Love
R | 07 February 2014 (USA)

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Winning your childhood sweetheart can create more problems than it solves.

Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
MongoLloyd Disclaimer: I only watched this because I have a thing for Dichen Lachman. Suffice to say, it's worse than the worst of the worst rom-coms, loaded down with every rom-com cliché ever written and used to death over the past 50 years. They even managed to cast the goddess known as Beau Garrett but we don't get to see her in a bathing suit or in her underwear. What's the point of casting a babe in a low budget indie if we don't get to at least see her legs or something? The storyline and scenes are almost word for word identical to about 500 other films and about as predictable as rain in spring time.Trust me, you've seen it all before.
cutegirlbutts I don't agree with why this film exists really. It was crowd sourced with the draw to internet users by having half of the DOLLHOUSE cast in it. The target audience of 'people who don't care at all what these actors are in but are just happy to see them on their screens' seem pretty happy with the finished product, but I don't really. It's a completely clichéd story of some nerdish guy who doesn't think he can really talk to girls trying to win his ex back and finding love in other places along the way. The actors all have this great likable quality that makes them fun to watch and they really do their best with the bland characters they have to work with. This film isn't half as likable as it thinks it is, it's pretty bland and formulaic. You'll have fun seeing these actors and you'll like them but not really the characters. Pretty much a waste of time.
morcego Lets start with the bad things. The story is recycled to the point of not even being funny. Not going to get into details not to be spoiler-y, but I can think of at least a dozen movies since the 80s (including one from John Hughes), which tell pretty much the same story. Oh, did I say bad thingS? I meant mediocre thing. Singular.The casting is first class. I mean, not only we are filled with Joss Weadon alumni, as a bonus we get Caitlin Stasey. The production is simple but effective. Directing is one of the finest. Acting, also first class.Lust for Love is a recycled love story, which would ordinarily make is a B movie even for an indie. However, the overall qualify of the movie; and yes, even the take on the story, recycled or not, make it something you definitely should watch.
no one I'm one of the 1519 kickstarter backers so maybe I am a little biased. This has been a long time coming. The estimated release once was June 2012! The film turned out pretty good. You don't see the tiny budget it had. The kickstarter ended with about $100.000 but they ran out of money during production so it definitely cost more than that. But I have seen independent movies with 10 times the budget which looked cheap and amateurish compared to this. The selections for the soundtrack also fit very well.The best thing about this movie is the cast. There are great actors even in tiny roles. And Franz Kranz proves once more how good he is. Dichen Lachman is also great in this but I love her anyway.Unfortunately the film is a little lacking story wise. You just have to read the plot summary (guy dates girl, girl leaves guy, guy goes to his female friend and asks her to help him win her back)to know there this is going. But the movie has some very funny parts and the story at least is told in an interesting way. Just don't expect any big surprises.Overall I can recommend to watch it if you have the chance. If you are a Dollhouse fan this is a must see.