Love Is All You Need
Love Is All You Need
R | 10 October 2012 (USA)
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Ida, a Danish hairdresser who has lost her hair to cancer, returns home from the hospital one day to find her husband is cheating on her. She decides to travel to Italy on her own for her daughter's wedding, but discovers on arriving that the wedding gathering will present its own challenges.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
annuskavdpol This movie was about relationships and how they intertwine into each other. It seemed that a lot of the individuals overlapped into each others relationships. For example, the daughter who was about to get married, and her husband to be, faced overlapping behaviours. And then the father of the potential son in-law started to have feelings for the potential daughter in-laws mother. To me, these are blurred lines. As I can imagine the feelings the daughter and son would have when they find out that their parents were romantically involved. In this story, the blurred lines, seem to be acceptable, because of circumstances, however, boundaries is a factor. Does true love bypass anything else? Does true love transcend the rules that society upholds? Or does an individual have to always stay true to society based boundaries versus following ones own authentic feelings of what is experienced as true love?
Gordon-11 "Love Is All You Need" tells a story of a woman who is undergoing treatment for breast cancer. She comes home and find her husband frolicking with another woman, just days before she flies to Italy to attend her daughter's wedding. The plot sounds eventful already, and indeed the interpersonal relationships in this film is portrayed beautifully, in an engaging and meaningful manner. Almost every relationship portrayed has some sort of defects, because nothing in this world is perfect. As the film quotes, "You can never give or receive enough love". "Love Is All You Need" is a film to feel with your heart, and empathise with the characters' joy and pain. Maybe it's a film that you have to be in a certain mood to like, and I was certainly in that mood to be touched by it.
Hot 888 Mama . . . but not totally displeasing. It IS somewhat novel for the fated-to-be together father of the groom and mother of the bride to first meet in a parking ramp fender-bender. It is even more romantic that this results in the pair--a widower and a wife who's just discovered her husband doing "Thilde from accounting" on the family sofa while his spouse is battling cancer--needing to share a long, scenic drive to the wedding site. Though the script gets so cutesy with the status of bridal mom-hairdresser Ida's disease that I lost track midway through the movie (though it certainly appeared she was fairly intact when she climbed out of the Mediterranean "au naturel" in front of the widower), there are other plot developments to help gloss over this murkiness, such as a groom who discovers\finally admits that he is gay. While this flick makes one wish that every recovering cancer victim could have a wealthy man with his "own private Idaho" in the middle of a tropical island welcoming her with open arms, who said movies should be plausible?
Cathy Sargent There is a reason to be happy about Pierce Brosnen humbly accepting to play the role of Phillip .In America there are few models for doing grief work and few models for manhood.Phillip is a knight without armor in the way he sees Ida a cancer survivor as well as his gay son. His eyes see up to the skies and down to the seas. Mourning and melancholia is complicated and Pierce in real life has experienced this.I am reminded of the 12 step program: life is unmanageable, I cannot control things, I am not God and have to rely on a power greater than myself.Phillip could play God in this film. After all he is paying for his son's wedding and Ida asks him to read the letter regarding her final prognosis.Instead, Phillip reacts peacefully and humbly by making observations rather than emotionally reacting.Isn't that what adults do?I am still taking notes on how to respond to betrayals that have occurred for me over 15 years ago!Yes in the end, love is all we need and we either fall into His everlasting arms or not.I left the film feeling more love, joy and hope for the future!