Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby
Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby
| 29 October 1976 (USA)
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Baby Adrian is now all grown up and separated from his mother, wrestling with the occult influences that plague him, and trying to outrun Satan himself.

StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Eric Stevenson The original "Rosemary's Baby" is one of my favorite horror movies and it's great that the ending left it all ambiguous and open to interpretation. That is, until this stupid TV sequel was made. There are almost no good direct to video sequels to theatrically released movies and it looks like the same can be said for TV movie sequels to theatrically released movies. This movie is unbearably stupid and bland. It features Rosemary taking care of her child at 7 years old, but then she's lured onto a haunted bus. It's so strange because I doubt if I've ever seen a bus with no driver in a movie before, but this scene STILL came off as completely clichéd. We get lame stuff like slow motion and satanic curses.The two main Satanists are this guy and his wife. His wife is amazingly annoying and it doesn't even seem like she's trying to be serious. So anyway, after Rosemary disappears, a cultist raises her son. They discuss having the Satanists raise him, but decide not to, because they don't want him to live a sheltered life. He ends up living a sheltered life anyway. They perform a ritual to um, turn him into a monster or something, I don't know and they give him makeup like in KISS. Someone gets electrocuted and then the guy wakes up in a hospital. Apart from the stupid story, it's completely boring and wouldn't please any horror movie fan or any movie fan for that mirror.It seems like everything is just shot poorly. It hasn't aged well at all. I might have seen a low quality version, but it doesn't really matter. The movie ends with a woman having Rosemary's son's baby. That means we're back exactly where we were at the end of the original film. That means this entire film was completely pointless as the world doesn't end, nor is the world saved. In the original film, you never even got to see the baby at the end. This just shows how important it is to make the audience come up with their own story. We don't want to see what happens next and there's almost no way a sequel to this movie could ever be good. This actual sequel doesn't ruin the original classic, but it's still a piece of crap. *
Aaron1375 The first film is somewhat good to me, I enjoyed it for the most part, but I thought it was really nothing all that special. However, when compared to this mess it looks a whole heck of a lot better. Why they felt the need to make the movie is beyond me, but they should have known it could not match the acting of the first movie when they only could get Ruth Gordon back to reprise her role. The story kind of follows Rosemary's baby around and stuff, but in reality it is kind of a mess, it does not help that the movie is a television movie and the television look shines through very well. It has more of a comedy tone to it as well which hinders it greatly, if they really felt the need to make a sequel they should have made it an R rated movie that had some nudity and gore in it. I am sure it would have still been quite bad, but at least it would have been more watchable and fun which this movie is not despite its trying to be funny. I saw this one on Monstervision and Joe Bob had nothing really good to say about it in the intro and I do not have to much to say either. I do have to say it was a sequel that should have never seen the light of day.
dbdumonteil It was a foolish idea to make a sequel to a film which even today (mainly today) remains the best horror movie ever done.Patty Duke who was a wunderkind when she was a child (remember "the miracle worker")was given a poor part and she was sadly unsupported by the rest of the cast (if my memory serves me well,only Ruth Gordon remained from the original cast).In order to give this dud a "biblical" feel ,the story is divided into "books" (the book of Rosemary;the book of Adrian ;the book of Andrew).The flick begins with the impressive last lines of Polanski's work (You want me to be HIs mother?/Aren't you His mother?) You do not need anything else when you've seen the 1968 film.Ira Levin ,who had nothing to do with this made-for-TV sequel,wrote in 1999 "son of Rosemary" which was not as successful as his first novel:the conclusion ,they say,has an "hidden " meaning based on a pun.I've been trying to solve it for months ,to no avail..Anyway Levin should not have written it in the first place.I finally found it out:nothing to get hung about.
lthseldy1 For a movie that gained so much recognition and appraise this spinoff to "Rosemarys Baby" is one big mistake. It starts off that Andrew/Adrian whatever his name is because he's so confused that he doesn't know who he is anymore runs away from a cult with his mother and soon is kidnapped by a strange lady that ends up taking care of him as if she were his mother. The acting is terrible as Andrew grows up in his twenties and looks terrible with his sunken in face, never ending grin and Dukes of Hazard clothes on looks more like a drunken has been than the son of Satan. In fact thats all he does is drink and falls sloppily all over himself as he tries to come to grips with his past and the last memory of his mother driving away on a bus screaming to him. He finds a friend that seems to be an angel but he's quickly killed off and electricuted in a hillarious scene in which he looks more like a Christmas tree. Andrew gets cought and the cult with the members of the first part test him to see if he's really the Son of Satan. His dumb self fails the test and gets up off the alter glittering with myme makeup and jumps of the stage of a night club and dances like a clown on crack!!! This scene is memorable and well worth a watch. The ending is terrible and somewhat predictable considering how stupid he is in the whole movie. Do not watch this piece of trash or you will loose respect for the first part.