Living Will...
Living Will...
R | 04 October 2011 (USA)
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Will's best friend and roommate Belcher, a party bum slacker, returns from the dead as a cocky, mischievous, and perverted ghost. He soon discovers his cousin, Krista, has shacked up and moved in with his best friend, Will. Belcher will do anything and everything to destroy this relationship and get his prank buddy back.

Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Michael Ledo The movie opens with some ridiculous bathroom humor as the constipated Belcher (Ryan Dunn) wants his roommate Will (Gerard Haitz) to keep him company, i.e. drink, play cards while he takes "the Browns to the bowl." After Belcher dies from constipation, Will's life starts to look up as he dates Belcher's hot cousin Krista. (April Scott). The movie introduces some "stoners" who move into Belcher's old room. These characters are very poor copies of "Bill and Ted." Their lines and character are forced adding a negative aspect to the film.The ghost of Belcher returns (no special effects) and wants to hang with Will like old times until Belcher finds out Will is dating Krista.Ryan plays an excellent Belcher amidst some lack luster performances. He is a clone of Zach Galifianakis. All the lines were written for him. When Ryan Dunn is not on the screen the film is lame. The sound track is Indie and at times didn't match the scene. As the movie progresses, the antics of Ryan become more destructive and the movie loses its humor as it becomes a tragedy.If you are a fan of Zach Galifianakis type of bizarre humor, then you will find some enjoyment in this film.F-bomb, nudity (A.J. Khan)
Netjer-y-khet Whoever decided to promote this rubbish as a comedy needs a sense of humour transplant. Seriously. This waste of an otherwise blank DVD is singularly unfunny.I read a review on here by a guy claiming to be 'a fellow film maker'. He claims that at some point in the movie, "comedy ensues." He's wrong. There is no comedy in this rubbish. Absolutely none. Not a skerrick of it anywhere.The same reviewer also claimed "Living Will is going to go very far... You will not be disappointed." Well, yes, I guess it went very far; to the garbage tip after I tossed it into the bin.As for being disappointed, absolutely no disappointment here at all. In fact, turning this trash off, scouring a huge, deep scratch into the DVD's data/play side with a heavy screwdriver then cutting a pair of fatal puncture wounds into it with a hole punch and a hammer before junking it with the leftovers from dinner was very pleasurable.I scored this at 2/10. It would have got 1/10 but the 500 millisecond shot of a printed T-shirt carrying a derogatory statement about Sarah Palin saved it.
Jay Harris My 2 word summary was for the first 2 minutes.It was tediously unfunny,I had to shut it off.I do not know who the actors were, BUT I do know I do not want to see another film with them it, The direction was non-existent, The rest of the credits was equally bad.I never saw the Jackass films,NOW I know I wont bother.I like good intelligent comedy,this film did not fit either one. I doubt this had a decent box-office, it it was released to the theaters.Truthfully it does not deserve a DVD release either.I see I need a few more lines.I have been going to the movies since I was about 5 years old. That was in 1933.I thing my age is sufficient to saw what a dreadful unfunny film this is.
ShaunPaulCostello I had the very privileged pleasure to be able to see this film, in multiple stages, from very early on. I'm a fellow filmmaker and although I did not work on this film (nor did I know the filmmakers while they made this film) I have since worked with this crazy talented crew on a few other projects. The premise of the film is pretty much a story about two best friends. One passes away and the other living one starts to date the cousin of the deceased. Then to the sheer surprise of the living one his deceased friend returns as a ghost to continue hanging out and partying. When the ghost finds out about his cousin he does everything in his underworld powers to stop the two from going out. Comedy ensues. Now of course there is much more going on here then my simple cliff notes version of the film I just gave. Living will is a story about growing up, change, and what happens when one friend does when the other tries everything in their power not to. The cast is all very talented but one man stands out above them all in a show stealing performance. Ryan Dunn aka Random Hero. I had never met Ryan Dunn until after I saw the film for the first time. And yes like you, faithful IMDb review reader, when I heard he was the lead in a movie I thought "oh man the guy from jackass who stuck a car in his b-hole is trying to act?? This is going to suck". I couldn't have been more wrong about anything in my entire life. Ryan Dunn is phenomenal in this movie. I don't think there is a single scene he is in that you won't laugh at something. HIs acting is superb. I have since met and actually worked with him on two other films and he is one of the nicest most down to earth guys, who gets pigeon holed as a reality star because of his fame from jackass. He always has time for autographs for fans and is one of the most prepared, intense, and professional actors I have worked with. He's good, you get the point. OK enough of me drooling over Dunn. Let's move on. The latest version of the film I saw was the test screening at the Broadway theater in Pitman New Jersey and from what I saw there, I can't wait to see the final product. The film ran at almost two hours and needed some more trimming but after the screening the main crew members knew exactly where and what they needed to do, once they saw the reactions of the film as it played to a packed house. Living Will is going to go very far when its all finished and if you get a chance to see it do it. You will not be disappointed. This is an indie film with both comedy and heart. It was made by an incredibly talented crew with an awesome cast (Cameron Taylor who plays Furbush has one of the funniest scenes in the movie, just saying). Check this out any chance you get whether its theaters or DVD its well worth it. I give it 3 1/4 out of 4 stars. (as a rough)
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