Little White Lies
Little White Lies
| 20 October 2010 (USA)
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Despite a traumatic event, a group of friends decide to go ahead with their annual beach vacation. Their relationships, convictions, sense of guilt and friendship are sorely tested. They are finally forced to own up to the little white lies they've been telling each other.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
WilliamCKH What a great film! How can it be where as you're two hours into watching the film, you wander where its going, you're not really sure if you like any of the characters, and at the end of the film, you want to stand up and shout and hug each one of the characters. Roger Ebert wrote about this film that 'It meanders, but knows exactly where its going" and I completely agree with that assessment.Its a film where, at over 150 minutes, the length is completely essential for the enjoyment, because it is not so much the content of the film's scenes that give it its power, but the overall spirit of it which gives it its strength and meaning. Two very powerful scenes near the end, Isabelle hugging Vincent, and Max hugging Vincent, for different reasons, were just incredibly well directed, well acted, with so much depth, it left me in awe and the heartbreaking speech from Jean-Louis, which gives the movie its title, was just amazingly perceptive not only of its characters, but of modern life in general. Much thanks goes to the writers, the director, the actors, and everyone involved with making this very french film universal.P.S. Francois Cluzet's performance is extraordinary, especially the scene where he's scolding the child for cheating at FREEZE! (un,deux,trois soliel) The look on his face of self-loathing, asking himself "why am I like this?" was brilliant. His whole performance was so unconventional, so unexpected, but so honest. It surprises me sometimes how actors are able to strip away egos in order to get so deep. Bravo!
abisio In Laurence Kasdan's Big Chill; a death (suicide) causes a group of friends to meet again after many years and reconnect with each other. That movie was about people loosing touch with many things in life in the coldness of this world.Canet's Little White Lies, is a twist on the original premise. One of a group (Parissian) friends has an accident; but as nobody really cares about the others; they continue their planned vacation leaving the guy at the hospital alone by himself.There is not a complete story about each one of them; just hints; but that is enough to realize the selfishness of this people. Also to mark the difference between city and rural people. In brief; it is a very good movie; a little long perhaps but worth seeing
thegodfathersaga a drama about a group of friends going on their annual vacation while one of them is left in intensive care after a fatal accident. the film examines the friends and their interrelationships through a risky mixture of comedy and tragedy, but the film stays pretty much on point for the most part thanks to admirable narrative skills from writer/director Guillaume Canet; the navigating dramatic tones is done mostly with's very moving and it draws you in as one of the group; you observe their relationships, laugh and share sadness with them. the characters are all well developed and identified, it took time to get them but as you start to do and as the camera captures the slightest vulnerability, grin and tension, certain truths arise; that's interesting, it's the reason when given its length, the film doesn't seem to stagnate as it also entertains and features expressive use of music. after a while, the characters begin to grow apart until the tragedy of death brings them together; it's at this stage that i think the film could've done better; instead of melodramatically taking advantage. nevertheless, the film essentially succeeds in making the viewer think about his actions, hidden feelings or selfishness
georgep53 This is a wonderful drama/comedy with a great ensemble cast. Francois Cluzet, who was so good as the invalid in THE INTOUCHABLES, shines here as a successful restaurant owner who plays host to a group of friends sharing vacation time at his country retreat. His refusal to acknowledge his innermost feelings drives much of the film. Benoit Magimel is excellent as a man making a journey of personal discovery and in the process sends his friendship with Cluzet on a downward spiral. The relationship between the two characters has its humorous moments before the darker undertones begin to set in. Marion Cotillard is brilliant as an emotionally unstable girl. Jean Dujardin is good in a small role as a mutual friend whose injury in a motorcycle accident precludes him from joining the others on vacation. I liked this film more than the critics generally did because of the great cast and compelling script. I would say that if you like ensemble dramas and have the patience for a little longer length story I think you'll find the results rewarding.
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