Little Nicholas
Little Nicholas
G | 10 October 2009 (USA)
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Nicolas has a happy existence, parents who love him, a great group of friends with whom he has great fun, and all he wants is that nothing changes. However, one day, he overhears a conversation that leads him to believe that his life might change forever, his mother is pregnant! He panics and envisions the worst.

Alicia I love this movie so much
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
rollergirl2828 A very cute film with an interesting plot and beautiful scenes of urban France.It is better than Diary of a Wimpy Kid,much better. It has a more interesting story and characters that give the film a funny twist. I like the fact that it shows a importance of education in French society.Many American films directed in the U.S. don't emphasize any educational values including Diary of the Wimpy Kid.I give it stars.I do recommend it to everyone.
Horst in Translation ( "Le petit Nicholas" or "Little Nick" is a French 90-minute movie from 6 years ago. It is 100% comedy from start to finish and all the slightly dramatic scenes also have a humorous undertone. I must say I enjoyed the watch here, just like I did for the sequel that stars several people from this film, but has a new kid as the title character, probably because Maxime Godart was too old for the role by 2014. Writer and director Laurent Tirard scored a couple prestigious nominations for his work here, a.o. at the Césars and European Film Awards. This film is certainly a good watch for younger audiences, but also grown-ups. In my opinion, there is not much of a story or plot in this film here. It is more of a collection of flashbacks and funny, slightly awkward situations. I found the kid who always has to go to the school room's corner pretty funny. This is also an example of how an actually serious situations gets a nice little undertone, for example when he shows the other boy the corner. The other boy, in this case, is the one who always gets the best grades. He was fairly funny as well.This is not a film that requires a great plot or great acting to work. There is a smart script here and it was nicely executed. I certainly recommend seeing it and I also recommend the sequel, which is very similar in terms of the basics, only that Little Nick makes holidays in that one. Oh yeah, the one who invented the character of Little Nick is René Goscinny, who also wrote the incredibly famous and entertaining Asterix books. I like the way Tirard elaborated on the character here, but even more how he elaborated on all the supporting characters. I cannot deny that, in my opinion, it was these that make the movie and they are also the ones who have the funniest scenes. These 1.5 hours may not be the right choice if you are looking for something really significant, but if you are in the mood for something easy with cute tongue-in-cheek humour that is not only French in theory but has some typical laissez-faire scenes, then "Le petit Nicholas" is a good pick. Thumbs up.
zxy-evonne I didn't watch lots of movies, but this is the sweetest movie I've ever seen. The whole story is about love among parents and kids, teachers and kids, and love between kids, parents, friends. It touches the tenderest part of my heart. Every kid should be decently raised up that way. Your parents love you, but won't spoil you. Your teacher care about you, but won't push you too hard. Your friends support you, though sometimes they envy you, you always cover each others' ass, and have fun together no matter how stupid it looks like.Despite the setting is in an old France that I don't know much about, the story would fits in any period of human history (except for war times). The sweet love, awkward moments, unnecessary worries, war between teachers and students together composed a harmonious symphony.
Maciek Kur Before I saw this movie I was strongly skeptical. First of all "Nicholas" while being one of top 10 children books ever made... Have no storyline. It's just series of very funny but very short stories center around a group little French boys. There's no adventures or perils – just amusing anecdotes from every day life of Nicholas and his friends. Second of all the books was written by Rene Goscinny. A French author most know for his comic books "Asterix" and "Lucky Luke". While those are some of the most delightful peaces of graphic novels I ever read I sadly must admit they where butchered during the last decades with some horrible, horrible adaptations (with few exceptions, second Asterix movie was pretty good) "Nicholas" being a hard material to adapt already felt like a bad idea, and the fact so many of Goscinny's work was made into terrible movies wasn't a sing they will treat it with a proper respect. To be honest making "Nicholas" into a movie felt like going pretty low to get some money from his creation. When I was a kid I dreamed of Asterix being made into a movie even back there Nicholas felt like a absurd idea.The third reason I know it won't work was the fact it was a children movie. Obviously it wouldn't work in any different way but the fact is Nicholas stories never had morals or life lessons. In fact stories where pretty cynical. A lot of humor came from the fact that Nicholas pals would get into fist fights very quickly. The kids would call each other names all the time and Nicholas parents would fight and argue all the time. It was part of the charm, however we live now in the age of Political correctness so I was sure they will tone down the violence, make it more sugary sweet/cute and ad some morals… To my big surprise… Non of those problems appear in the movie! The script makes a excellent combination of different Nicholas stories and stay true to the characters and their personalities and in fact spends a lot of time playing with the character and their personalities. I like this type of movies as you never feels the plot rushing you just enjoy the ride and individual time spent with each character. The humor is great. It uses a lot of lines from the book but ads a lot of jokes… and I must say It actually gets pretty dark at moments. I don't got to much into detail since some of the biggest laugh-out-loud jokes come from the black humor. The kids actor where fantastic and where cast very well reflecting different personalities from the book. There is even a sequence which is a homage to Goscinny's other work (Asterix) as well a cute paper-cut-out opening sequence which is a tribute to Sempe – the illustrator. In a way it was very much like the book. Just collection of small anecdotes but tide into a larger story at the same time which build up to a terrific and incredible funny punch line. The ending is in fact very sweet and heath worming without being off-character for the series. My only complains are total nitpicks. Some characters where completely different (fiscally) that the way I imagine them in the books (especially Nicholas parents) but the actors manage to make them work in their own way. Few characters (girl that's Nicholas love interest or the next door neighbor) felt to be forced into the script just because "they where in the books" and their scenes serve no purpos other then showing those characters for the fans. There was maybe one or two gags that where completely off-character for the series as well few small moments that don't make sense in any translation out-side of France.Overall It's surprisingly fun movie both adults and kids will enjoy. One of best adaptations of Goscinny's works!
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