Lisa, Lisa
Lisa, Lisa
R | 09 December 1974 (USA)
Lisa, Lisa Trailers

A group of three criminals on the run from the law, go about terrorizing the local townsfolk of a small community, before descending on an isolated farm which is home to a young girl named Lisa and her paralyzed grandfather. After being sexually assaulted by two of the gangsters, she retaliates using an axe and a razor blade.

Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Leofwine_draca This grotty little exploitation film was obviously advertised to cash in on the popularity of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (hence the retitling from the film's original AXE), but it's not surprising that that film went on to be a classic while this languished in the depths of obscurity. This is a poorly-made, deadly dull affair, with the only positive side to the whole film being its relatively short running time. If you enjoy films where blank-faced actors and actresses deliver their lines stiffly, where the special effects look like they've come from a bottle of ketchup, or where the plots are so simplistic that a child could write them, then this film may just be for you.A big inspiration here has to be the sleazy LAST HOUSE ON THE LEFT, which has caused so much notoriety over the years. Many scenes share similarities, and California Axe Massacre tries very hard to evoke the same kind of disturbing disgust from the audience. But while LAST HOUSE was admittedly a very powerful film, the only power this film holds is the power to send you to sleep. A typical example is when our three 'gang' members enter a store and proceed to terrorise the staff there, asking a woman to take off her blouse and then throwing vegetables and pouring drink over her. It's hardly of the same standard, is it? The only thing this film is good for is a laugh, as scenes such as these frequently border on the amusing.Things kick off with a supposed 'shocking' beating of a man to death, with the aid of a child's doll. We are introduced to our gang of men. One of them is dim-witted and, although white, has a large afro protruding from his head. He's pretty funny and also happens to be the director, giving you some idea of what you're in for. The next seems to perpetually smoke cigars (in one harrowing moment, he shoves a cigar into some poor victim's mouth!), is overweight and greying, and also a male chauvinist. The third is the ringleader and the only threatening one of the group, obviously modelling himself on 'Krug'. He's the best actor in the film.After a long time, the gang arrives at a remote farmhouse where a blank-faced girl and her paralysed grandfather live. The thugs torment the grandfather, in scenes which border on bad taste. When one of them tries to rape the girl, she murders him with a razor, hacks his body up in the bath and puts the pieces into a trunk. Well, at least she's neat. This girl has a pivotal role in the film, which is why it's surprising that they chose such a non-actress to play her. After this happens, there's still half an hour to go, so many scenes of boredom. Eventually, the second bad guy gets axed to death, while the third is shot dead by police.Originally banned as a video nasty (although only god knows why), this was finally released in the UK a couple of years back minus about twenty seconds of footage. Thus, all of the murder scenes are jumpy and disappointing, with only a bit of fake-looking blood splashing about. However, I hardly think that an extra twenty seconds of gory footage are going to make this film much better, however good they might be. This is a shoddily made shocker, that totally falls flat as a horror film. One to avoid.
MovieGuy01 I thought that axe was a well made horror movie, despite having a low budget to film on. I found most of the scenes disturbing to watch. Especially on ones where the 13 year old girl Lisa is cutting off chicken heads which are later fed to her paralysed grandfather. I heard that this was one of the video nasties which were banned in the 1980's I found there to be a lot of gore in the film. the only disappointment that i had was that the film only had a runtime of only 76 minutes, which did not give enougth time for the film or characters to develop. I have seen many horror movies and this one seems to be the weirdest of them all!!. GOOD MOVIE
morrison-dylan-fan After having seen a documentary on the producer Harry Novac,i decided to try one of his films that a friend of my dad had passed over and after finding out the the film was shot in eleven days i feel that while its a flawed film,i still found it to be a enjoyable small horror film.The plot: Three gangsters go to visit some guys that are overdue on their "payment",and when they realise that they are not going to get the payment,they decide to kill them.And after they have beaten up a shop assistant at a petal station,they think that it is best the they lay-low for a while in a remote farmhouse.And when they discover that they are not alone they get thrilled because they realise that they can keep the people (a young girl called Lisa and her very ill grandfather) as hostages.But none of them realise that Lisa has an axe,and the she has some plans of her own...View on the film: The film starred and was written and directed by Fredrick Rfriedel,one of the main things he did well was to keep the film to a very lean running time of sixty three minutes and also doing some good dark comedy in the first half(The gangsters doing their own "remake" of the William Tall opening titles with the petal station assistant)But the main thing that lets the film down are a weaker second half with a big plot-hole (In the whole film,none of them even try to keep Lisa hostage well at all) and the score sounds very out of placed and not mixed into the film at all the gives it an oil effect.Final view on the film: A really good lean fast-moving horror film,the is let down by a big plot hole and a very bad score.
Leonard Smalls: The Lone Biker of the Apocalypse Well, my journey down the 'video nasty' road has brought me to a little-known gem called "Axe." My buddy loaned it to me and I checked it out with great expectations. I'd heard lots about this movie and how gritty it was. I have to say, I am not too impressed.I like the mediocre acting, the cheesy plot, and the music, but there just wasn't enough violence and blood in this film for me. You never actually see someone get hacked up. It's one of those 'camera cuts away just before' movies. The plot was pretty much a run of the mill "Last House on the Left" ripoff. Sadistic lunatics torture a family. Big deal.Even for the low budget, "Axe" should have been better. I mean come expensive is fake blood? 4 out of 10, kids.