Like Water for Chocolate
Like Water for Chocolate
R | 17 February 1993 (USA)
Like Water for Chocolate Trailers

Tita is passionately in love with Pedro, but her controlling mother forbids her from marrying him. When Pedro marries her sister, Tita throws herself into her cooking and discovers she can transfer her emotions through the food she prepares, infecting all who eat it with her intense heartbreak.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
ShangLuda Admirable film.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
gavin6942 This movie is about how life used to be in Mexico. It is a love story between Pedro and Tita, and why they couldn't get married because Tita's mother wanted her oldest daughter to get married first, and have Tita to stay and take care of her. It shows how marriage was imposed on those times, and how a love between two people can change everything.This is supposed to be a great film, but for me it just did not resonate. I appreciate the movie to a point, and it is good to see a film from Mexico (the country needs a bigger industry, perhaps). Most of all, I love that apparently Robert Rodriguez hung around the set before becoming an A-list director for Hollywood.But overall, this is not one that really had any impact on me whatsoever, so I can only give it a middling grade.
grantss Engaging drama.Set in Mexico in the early-1900s, the story of a girl and her oppressive, tyrannical mother. In her teens, the girl falls in love with a boy and they want to get married. The mother is determined that the girl will never marry, as she has to look after her. Drama and intrigue follows...Initially a very suffocating movie, as you feel how the girl is oppressed and deprived of her free will by her evil mother. You keep hoping that she will run away, or do something to break free.Then follows a spell of liberty, and probably the most wonderful part of the movie. The shackles have been removed and she can now be herself and follow her dreams and loves.However, just when you thought that was the precursor to a happy ending, the movie loses focus. It suddenly gets quite weird, complete with ghosts, and ultimately becomes a soap opera. The last few scenes are pure soap, and diminish the value of what came before them.Overall - good, but could have been brilliant.
nicsolomon I did not think that this was a particularly bad movie because it was able to capture some scenes that i thought would be difficult to do in a movie. The acting in this movie was not great, I found John's character to be creepy and depressing instead of the loving upbeat character I read about. I also thought that the film work was below par and if this movie were in English and released in American movie theaters it would have much more negative criticism. This movie also rushes through many important scenes and does not allow the plot to develop. If someone were to watch this movie without reading the book they would leave the movie extremely confused. Some of the positives in this movie are how they display magical realism in very interesting ways. For example in the beginning of the movie when there is rushing water to represent tears and then they harvest the salt from the tears seemed like it was represented the magical realism very well. Also the actresses who played the sisters did a good job of creating interesting sister- sister relationships. For example how Gertrudis and Tita had a very caring relationship where as the relationship between Rosura and Tita always seemed to be very competitive.
cbrady-brady94 In my opinion, this movie was rather mediocre. It just seemed to be a soap opera with magical realism thrown in as an added bonus. Although the book is well written, the movie doesn't do it justice, just like most other movies made from books. Though there was an attempt to convey the perfection of the meals prepared by Tita, it really didn't work at all. Such things can't be described through pictures. Also the effect of Titas cooking on the rest of the family lost its romance and ended up just looking comical in the film. About 30 minutes into the film I was already bored. What bored me was not so much the story, but the way it was executed and played out. Also, if I had not read the book before seeing the movie, I would have been very confused. They throw too many unexplained things into the movie, that also occur in the book, but they work in the book because the book gives you context. All in all, I would say read the book (which is quite good) and skip the movie.