| 19 December 1939 (USA)
Remember? Trailers

Sky and Linda meet on vacation and become engaged. When Sky introduces Linda to his best friend, Jeff, Linda and Jeff fall in love and marry. But Jeff's work puts a strain on the marriage and a divorce is planned. Sky uses an experimental memory loss drug to make Linda and Jeff forget their rough times (and the fact that they were married) and they fall in love all over again.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
blanche-2 I gave "Remember?" a 6 because of the cast ONLY. I knew there had to be a disaster made during the "magic" year of 1939, and sure enough, this is it. Robert Taylor, Greer Garson, and Lew Ayres star in what surely is the foreshadowing of "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" except that this is one case where a later film is better than one from the classic era.The film concerns a man, Jeff Holland (Taylor) who falls in love with his friend Sky's (Lew Ayres) fiancé Linda (Garson) and abruptly marries her. However, he's a workaholic. This makes her very unhappy, and the two divorce. Desirous of getting them back together, Sky uses an experimental drug, that sounded like mematine. It erases everything that happened in the last six months. Interesting, because today there is a drug called memantine for Alzheimer's, so it actually has an opposite effect."Remember?" is only mildly funny. It lacks the pace of a comedy - it's one of those in between things where the story isn't compelling enough to be a drama but doesn't come off like a comedy either. The main part of the plot comes practically at the end of the film. One scene I did love - Billie Burke, as Garson's mother, has a surprise congratulatory party for the new couple. When they arrive, she has everybody hide behind furniture - which has become somewhat tedious, because the Hollands are late and the entire group has been hiding on and off for hours. When they arrive, Jeff and Linda are sent into the library, where Jeff complains to Linda about her father and her family's boring, blowhard friends. Then Billie Burke yells surprise. A very good scene, but there weren't enough of these in the movie to justify it.The performances are good. Taylor is unbelievably handsome and really did have a nice flair for comedy. Lew Ayres, in real life a pacifist, vegetarian, and a very spiritual man, somehow played drinking men very well, and does so in this. Garson was still very early in her career but had already received an Oscar nomination. Guess Mayer thought she was a flash in the pan - this is hardly a step in a prestige career. Garson probably hoped she never was nominated for an Oscar again - who knows what MGM would do to her next. Fortunately it didn't work out that way."Remember?" is one of those films you'll more than likely want to forget.
whpratt1 This is a true Classic Film from 1939 and both Robert Taylor and Greer Garson were very young and just starting their careers with MGM. This was a very stupid story that portrayed plenty of Martini Drinking and I think the director and producer did the same while working on this film. Robert Taylor,(Jeffrey Holland),"Killers of Kilimanjaro",'59, fell in love with Greer Garson,(Linda Bronson Holland),"Random Harvest",'42, and had plenty of up's and down's with their marriage. Lew Ayres, (Schuyler Ames),"Love Boat",'81 was also deeply in love with Linda and was going to marry her and his good buddy, Jeff stole her away from him. There are background scenes of the New York World's Fair of 1939, and the plot goes around and around like an old time Merry-go-round. Billie Burke plays the mother to Jeffrey Holland and does a very comical role, with the high voice she used in the Wizard of Oz, 1939 as the Good Witch. Some of the friends of Jeffrey say that his eyes look like Rainbows and changed color every once in a while. Try to REMEMBER, this was a 1939 film and just take it from THERE !
crispy_comments Boys and girls, REMEMBER these life lessons...If you steal your best friend's girl/marry his fiancée - with nary a twinge of guilty conscience (even though you've known the guy for 21 years and the girl for only ONE DAY!) - you can expect your buddy to be a good sport about it! In fact he'll play matchmaker should you two have marital problems in the future! Feel free to be an insensitive jackass who complains if he hangs around too much - but when it suits you (ie: you're too busy at work to spend time with your wife), ask the jilted ex to keep her company & pacify her. Don't feel bad about ruining your friend's happiness, to get a woman you then basically ignore. It's all about the thrill of the chase, right?If you dump your fiancé for his best friend (who you've only known ONE DAY!) - feel free to demand the 3 of you be jolly good friends forevermore. Don't be ashamed! Act joyful when you break the news and break his heart. It's okay if you make lots of insensitive remarks - heck, jokingly invite him to go on the honeymoon with you! It won't hurt him. Play the 2 men off one another - compare your husband to his friend, unfavorably, when your hubby's not being attentive enough. What is a woman *for*, if not to flirt and make men jealous?! Yup, this movie is pretty bad. Billie Burke provides a little relief, with her typically amusing ditzy routine. I've enjoyed the stars in other films, but they can't save this one. Inconsistent and unsympathetic characters. Forced humour. Ridiculous plot (and it REPEATS! Aw man, it was no fun the *first* time - I don't wanna see these 2 selfish twits fall in love *again*!) Y'see, there's a magical (ahem, I mean "scientific") formula that makes people forget the last 6 months. I'll settle for forgetting the last 83 minutes. Gimme a drink!
Pat-54 After Greer Garson made her film debut in "Goodbye, Mr. Chips," she was awarded an Academy Award nomination and gained international stardom. Her second film was "Remember?" which I'm sure Miss Garson would rather have "forgotten." A silly script that totally wastes the talents of not only Garson but Robert Taylor and Lew Ayres as well.