Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg
| 31 January 1994 (USA)
Lies of the Heart: The Story of Laurie Kellogg Trailers

A young mother is accused of convincing four teenagers to murder her husband, who she claims abused her during their ten-year relationship.

UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
zebraljb I grew up in Linglestown, and knew Denver McDowell. The producers of this movie took great liberties with the filming. The houses Denver and the Kelloggs lived in look NOTHING like the ones in the movie. Also, the town is LinglesTOWN, not LinglesTON. I do not know enough about the situation to know who was telling the truth, but I do know it would've been nice if someone would have actually COME to Pennsylvania and researched the area. Add to that the fact that the actors look absolutely NOTHING like the real people, and it makes it just more over the top.The writing of the movie is simply just another Lifetime movie of the week.
trpdean Like the reviewer from Sweden, I couldn't watch more than half of this. It was just so ludicrous and bad and over the top. SPOILERSIn just the first half, we watch this Dr. Jekyll madman doing everything possible to be the worst human being in history - toward everyone:From molesting young children to pounding on his pregnant wife, from yelling about how fat his college age girlfriend is becoming to screaming she get an abortion, from yelling about dinner being ready to not talking to her as punishment when called a molester, from being unfaithful to zestfully skinning animals, from calling the police to go after others he dislikes to yelling at his wife simply because she doesn't go to bed at the same time as he - he's in a rage all the time. The character is just unbelievable. Yet despite all, we are somehow expected to believe that the protagonist (Jennie Garth), just doesn't worry about any of this - madly loves him, is thrilled to be carrying his baby and over the moon about marrying him? It's nuts. Of course we know how this will end - but the first half alone was just laughable.
halfpint_7030 Does anyone know if this is a true story then what has happened to this woman now. Where are her kids and mother and step father. What about the other kids involved? What has happened to them. My daughters watched this movie with me, I thought it would help inform them about abuse and how not to handle it.
russellgilbert I hate movies like this! It's not difficult to play with someone's emotions... All you have to do is throw in a few characters that are either abusing someone, or being abused, and (hopefully) human nature causes a feeling of wanting to do something about it. But being able to touch an emotion in a viewer's mind does not make a good movie, and this movie is a perfect example of that.To be truthful, I only watched the first half, and then turned off the TV because it was so bad. And although I don't know the ending, I can't imagine how it could be anything other than the obvious. And even if there was some incredible twist at the end that made the ending the best movie ending ever made, I would still give it a low rating, just because of the first half alone.I give it a few points for not being technically ridiculous -- the actors and photography were ok (although nothing remarkable) -- but the story was so thin, and seemed to be completely related to twisting our emotions around in knots just to cause a reaction in us, that I give it overall very low marks. Touching our emotions is great, but give us a story too!
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