Late Night Shopping
Late Night Shopping
| 22 June 2001 (USA)
Late Night Shopping Trailers

Four friends Sean, Vincent, Lenny and Jody find themselves at something of a deadend. Trapped in a twilight world of permanent night shift work, they hang out together in the local cafe, drinking coffee and entertaining themselves by observing Vincent's unwavering success in pulling women. There seems to be little prospect of change...until Vincent accidently sleeps with Sean's girlfriend.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Micitype Pretty Good
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
bichelaroux OK I caught this film halfway through,'re.all.reading.from.scripts.Especially that guy who is now in Teachers and the Book Group, although at least he has proved that he can act if he wants to! (the part where someone has a heart attack stands out as a bastion of bad film making both in terms of acting, scripting and general plausibility) It quite clearly appears to be a cash-in on Human Traffic, but whilst that is not the best film ever, it is at least original and had actors whose delivery did not resemble that of earnest-yet-hopeless GCSE students trying to get a pass grade. Not so much as Human Traffic as a bit of a car crash!
ben-152 After eying this movie at the local library, I thought I'd rent it. The set up sounded interesting, and My cousin lives in Glasgow. It was very well done, the acting believable so the workers who watch this movie will relate, the set ups are funny like when one person car has a bad radio station playing only bad 80's love songs, which in the end is works like normal. And it's also got some sad moments like when a senior worker gets a heart attack, and the pain of being cheated on. Plus it has wit and sarcasm.And Each of the friends managing their jobs is just painful but fun, and makes you maybe want a night shift job. Definitely a film not to miss. So check this movie out at a video store. You will love it. Ben
chrisdmiller I think the brilliance of this film is truly underrated... What other film truly states and understands the true nature of British late night work and life?!?! The concept is truly original and probably will never be repeated! I swear future generations will study this film in history class as a true representation of current working conditions of the late night worker. As a night worker myself i can completely relate to the state of mind of the 4 main cast members.. the sense of not quite being in the real world but not having the drive or mentality to change it for a 9-5 job! The characters are so believable and real you can relate to the situation completely and it ends up feeling that it could quite easily be you and your mates in real life rather than a fictional story I would Highly recommend this film for all that appreciate films such as Trainspotting, Human Trafic and all the cult British classics!
Jodi Warren I just watched Late Night Shopping, and I have to say that it's one of the most refreshing and enjoyable films that I've watched in a long time. And, working in a video shop, I guess that's saying something. This film shows a situation that could only possibly arise in the late 20th century, with our 24 hour consumer driven world. Not that that's the point of the film, I just thought that it was intresting. Anyway, the film is funny, the script's fairly intelligent, and the acting, while not excellent, is fairly good. I should note that this is the kind of film that you'd almost only ever see made in Britain. There are plenty of nice little touches in the film. The way that the city that they live in is never named, and just appears completely bog-standard, compared to the specific location of the town at the end shows how their life has fallen into such a routine.This film might not go onto the 100 greatest films of all time, but it was certainly enjoyable, and what more can you ask than that?