Last Cannibal World
Last Cannibal World
R | 01 March 1978 (USA)
Last Cannibal World Trailers

An oil prospector escapes from capture by a primitive cannibal tribe in the Philippine rain forest and heads out to locate his missing companion and their plane to return home.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Johan Louwet This one came out before the legendary Cannibal Holocaust. I must say I liked this one slightly better story and character wise. Of course the gory scenes where animals (and humans) do get cut open and skinned are not always easy to stomach. I'm glad they didn't shy away from the cruelties otherwise the powerful message would be lost. Whether it is based on true events or not doesn't matter to me. The movie did a good job in following the experiences of Robert Harper and made me want to root for him unlike the white reporters in Cannibal Holocaust. The cannibals here are anything but nice however it is understandable they wanted to defend their land against the gold diggers. But not only the cannibals are a threat the jungle is full of other dangers in wild animals and poisonous plants.
MovieGuy01 I found Last Cannibal World to be a great film. It was heavily cut and banned in Britain for quite some years. It starts off with a plane which crashes into the jungle. One of the survivors Robert gets lost and while trying to find a way out of the jungle he gets captured by cannibals. He is humiliated, stripped naked, and he has to face certain tortures and humiliations until he escapes with a cannibal woman. He is thrown into a hole he then tries to find his plane which could be stuck anywhere in the jungle so he can go home. The two then set out to try to find Rolf and the plane, with the cannibal tribe who happen to be following right behind them. I thought that this was a very good cannibal film which was directed by Ruggero Deodato.
Sandcooler Is there anything easier to make than cannibal movies? You go recruit some guys to play angry natives at the local grocery store and a random woman who wants to be famous in a locally and not really kind of way. So you plastic surge the hell out of her, then find a guy who can't have sex at home because his mother always walks in looking for the lingerie brochure and ask him if he wants to have intercourse with this native silicone-enhanced woman. If there's a plot it's purely coincidental. Take this one. A bunch of people are in a plane and suddenly they either crash or make an emergency landing,it's really something in between. Than they walk around in the jungle forever. A year later Ruggero Deodato would solve this by having everything happen twice and extending the eating scenes but he didn't come up with that yet here. So the vaguely professorish guy among them soon finds himself captured by these savages. They don't eat him, because then the movie would be over. Instead they keep him for a couple of days and then let him escape like there are not hundreds of them. And then it really sinks like a brick. This is just plain bad, not even the shock factor is handled professionally, sometimes less is more, and sometimes cutting up a real crocodile for this goddamn movie barely anyone will ever see is just mean. Disgusting, and not in a good way.
glennperry I got this film as part of the The Shriek Show Presents: Jungle of Horrors DVD box-set, which includes Eaten Alive & Massacre in Dinosaur Valley. All uncut versions & for £9 quid a bargain. I'd never seen Last Cannibal World before (called Jungle Holocaust on the cover... who knows why?, as the credits call it the former) and I was shocked & surprised at how violent, sick but ultimately great it was. I thought the acting was actually quite good and believable. The actual DVD print was nicely presented and the sound also. To be honest I really was expecting a low budget Cannibal Ferox (if thats possible) but for me this is far superior than Ferox with its plausible plot, gory effects and almost great acting by the lead, Massimo Foschi. Me Me Lai is very cute too. I knew buying this was worth it from the gory 'piranha eating leg scene' and the rest didn't disappoint. If though you are appalled by animal cruelty then DON'T watch this as it probably the worst you're gonna see. The slicing up of a poor alligator is particularly nasty. The director makes a big point in his interview that these animal scenes were the producer's doing for 'realism' and he and Massimo fought to get them removed, obviously will no success. This uncut version is the only version I've seen so I assume the cut version is a lot shorter as the alligator scene in particular is quite a long torturous affair. Hell, even I'd have the fast forward that section when I watch it again. This film has been described as "just utterly depressing to experience in the realisation that the viewer has wasted virtually 90-minutes of an all-to-short life. The film is abysmally acted, ridiculously penned, dismally helmed and utterly dire, without redeeming features - much the way it portrays it's native characters." Its a cheap made Italian nasty, what do you expect ? this ain't never gonna win any prizes. It was made to shock, pure n simple. Its 'redeeming feature' is just that 'shock' and in my opinion it certainly does that, with great style.