| 29 January 1997 (USA)
Laserhawk Trailers

250 million years ago, a carnivorous species 'planted' a crop of humans on an uninhabited planet known as Earth. Now, the alien life form has returned to harvest its yield. With total destruction looming just moments away, a futuristic warrior and a prophetic mental patient join forces against the creatures, but with mortal weapons no match for the superior alien technology, the duo's only hope for victory lies in finding a 250 million year-old spaceship known as Laserhawk. The future of the world depends on it.

Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
TheLittleSongbird Watching Laserhawk with low expectations, I found it to be a surprisingly tolerable movie. It is far from great but could have been much worse. Sure, the movie was much too rushed, we never really get much time to properly connect with the characters and I think the pacing was the main reason why that was. The dialogue will make anybody laugh at how awkwardly cheesy it is, the big battle is lazily choreographed and makes no real impact other than perhaps unintentional humour and the story starts off interestingly but meanders badly into total and senseless nonsense. Laserhawk however doesn't look too bad from a visual point of view, the sets are detailed and colourful, the costumes are fitting and the special effects were surprisingly decent. The photography and editing while nothing inventive or extraordinary at least doesn't look amateurish either. The music is not too generic and does fit the movie while not plodding too much, while the sound is not overbearing or murky. The acting is better-than-average, Jason James Richter is a likable enough lead and Melissa Galianos matches him and is quite cute and fiery. Mark Hamill's appearance is brief but still memorable, while Gordon Currie and Ivan Rogers acquit themselves well albeit with rather clichéd characters. All in all, not great but could have been far worse. 5/10 Bethany Cox
Vomitron_G Well, this alien invasion sci-fi quickie tries really hard, but it's sure not on par with movies like "The Last Starfighter" (1984) and similar efforts. If you're a ten-year-old, you'll probably think this is one of the coolest flicks you'll ever see. And since I can get with that, I'm being very generous with my rating too. The special effects are entertaining and the film tries to maintain a decent pace. But the story is a heap of nonsense, really. Oh, and Mark Hamill stars in this film. Who would have thought that the Mighty Luke Skywalker would end up in a looney-bin on earth? Watch "Laserhawk", if you don't believe me.
steer0pike This movie looks like it was made ten years ago. The special effects were horrible. At times, the movie was interesting, but the ending was awful. The story became predictable at times too. Nothing was unique about the movie, it was the same old Alien wants to destroy Earth type of story, and only these chosen few can save Earth. The music was horrible, it made the movie even worse and even more corny.
Spen-2 Although Laserhawk had a promising start with a interesting concept, it rapidly went downhill. The film started slowly and needed to pick up pace but sadly it just petered out into and sorry collection of recycled cliches and over the top acting. Hamill indeed added some depth but the other characters were hamming it up left, right and center. The film ended abruptly after one of the poorest and least exciting space battles known to modern man. The actual action sequences were no better than the those seen in the Eighties series 'V' while the jerky animated aliens were not especially convincing either. It could have been so much better.