Lake Bodom
Lake Bodom
| 19 August 2016 (USA)

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Every camper’s worst nightmare came true at Lake Bodom in 1960 when four teenagers were stabbed to death while sleeping in their tent. As the years passed and the case grew cold, the unsolved mystery turned into an urban legend, a creepy campfire story passed from generation to generation. Now, a group of teenagers arrives at the same campsite, hoping to solve the murder by reconstructing it minute by minute. As night falls, it turns out that not all of them are there to play. Tonight… it’s girls against boys. Let the killing games begin.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
thesar-2 My Friday the 13th (Part 3d) evening was shattered when I heard a quick plug for this Friday the 13th (Part All) film.Despite the MANY horror concepts Lake Bodom "borrowed" from, this was one of the most strikingly original films I've seen in a while. And it didn't start out that way.The first half was the movie I love to see with a slight twist: Legend has it, a group of teens were brutally assaulted and killed in this particular area deep in the woods and by the Title's edge back in 1960. So, naturally, one curious young male nerd and his horny tattooed friend lure two slasher-friendly BFFs to spend the night at the very spot some 57 years later. As scares and jokes ensure, panic sets in and as in most in-the-woods, killer-on-the-loose films, they get picked off until even I questioned how this was different than the rest of the slasher-in-the-wood subgenre. That is, again, until the half-way point emerges. There comes the boom and boy, let's have some wild fun with many horror subgenre plot-twists.Aside from how I relished in the vines of the story emerging and multiplying, the movie was incredibly shot, well-acted and even had a pretty decent score. Yes, I am aware of at least 4-5 different movies this either stole from or played homage to. Didn't matter. It was fun pointing them out to myself as I watched the action, frights and film unravel. While the movie really opened my eyes to the delight of seeing many of my favorite types of films in one, the near-fantastic movie wasn't quite there. At a far-too-short runtime that might have just barely under- stayed its welcome, it almost felt experimental at points and might have benefited from some additional scenes and a tad more chapters to flesh more out as it, unfortunately, felt like it abruptly ended too soon.That all said, it's a roaring fun ride and if you're like me, a slasher subgenre fan, specifically a Don't-Go-in-the-Woods slasher advocate, you'd probably like this and the directions it takes you.***Final thoughts: (Major Spoilers, for the subgenres I observed. Didn't want to give most of these away in the body as part of the fun was seeing it unfold to guess how many ideas this movie took. But, I gotta get them out of my head and into print. Just be warned: these could be considered major spoilers so stop now and watch the movie first before learning of the subgenres I observed…Okay, here goes: this is part (as stated) Friday the 13th, Tales from the Crypt, The Cabin in the Woods, I Know What You Did Last Summer and definitely, High Tension.)
MovieBuffChick The first half of this film is unimpressive. It's filled with clichés and grossly overused horror movie tactics… like jump scares, strange sounds, filming as if it's the point of view of someone watching, running off into the darkness, etc. It's pretty much EXACTLY what you'd expect from a movie about teens in the woods. At some point… all that changes though. Once the film reaches its climax… It kinda hangs out up there for a minute… you just KEEP getting hit with things you either didn't see coming, or didn't see them coming in that particular way. And by the end you're just like… "Boy that escalated quickly."However, it drops the ball with character development. You don't really identify with or have any sympathy for these kids. You're just kinda waiting for whatever is gonna come and ruin their little lives. They just weren't that interesting. Overall I enjoyed this enough to recommend it to horror fans. Full commentary WITH spoilers on YouTube/Twitter @moviebuffchick1
heavywinged01 Like anything in life, or I have come to believe this "ratio", 98% of anything is shite, find the 2% that is worth your time.This is worth your time. Like tommyknocker's lone review makes note of; there's a creepy tone to this film, rarely seen since Just Before Dawn.Thinking back, this very well could be paying some homage to JBD...the atmospheres, the droning score, right down to the outro music. It was the first film that came to mind as the credits rolled.Discussing the topic of the film will only reveal spoilers, but this, not unlike The Windmill Massacre, sheds a lot of light into the world of excellent Nordic horror.
tommyknocker-5 5,1 out of 10 is a disgrace to this film. Well-paced, well-acted, suspenseful and a somewhat original plot (see for yourself) with a few good twists and turns. The very most parts of the film take place in the woods, and the solid nature definitely builds up a true horror atmosphere to the film."Lake Bodom" also has this great unsettling "nerve" to it, which reminds me of some of the best classic 80s horror flicks like "Just Before Dawn" and "The Burning". In my opinion "Lake Bodom" is the best Finnish horror flick out there. Well worth a watch for horror hounds and/or people who appreciate an entertaining, thrilling 85 minute ride!