L.A.P.D.: To Protect And To Serve
L.A.P.D.: To Protect And To Serve
| 09 October 2001 (USA)
L.A.P.D.: To Protect And To Serve Trailers

LA's finest have crossed the thin blue line between Cop and Criminal. Based on a true story.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Micransix Crappy film
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Adam (VonCouch) I found this DVD at Big Lots for $2. With badly photoshopped images of Dennis Hopper and Michael Madsen (obviously from a Reservoir Dogs promo) on the cover, I had very low expectations. But I'll give this movie credit. At least the director has some idea of what he was doing. Unlike other crap films like "Cheerleader Ninjas" and "Tha Sistahood", this one could actually direct the camera in a way that didn't make you want to blow your brains out. But when saying the director wasn't doing hits off of a crack pipe while working is the best compliment to give a movie, that's still pretty bad.The story is basically about how corrupt the LAPD is. This corruption is basically revolving around a half dozen or so cops. That's pretty well contained, I must say. There's also a subplot of guys robbing convenience stores that goes nowhere. And another subplot of the main guy's love affair with a cop groupie. That one may be uninspired, but the sex scene is probably the funniest I've ever seen in my life. The two roll around naked under covers in the most awkward positions possible while the guy grinds his loins and gives the most painful grimaces is the history of man. Honestly, it just has to be seen to believed.Casting sucks. Dennis Hopper is in the movie for a total of about 10 minutes, and looks like he's in physical pain having to deliver the insultingly bad script. Madsen is in there for more and seems less affected, but he's no stranger to a bad script. I've sat through films with him that were much worse, so this is nothing new to him. The hot young cop who owns the nickname Cowboy (because, you know, they want to be original) looks about 40. One fatboy cop, who looks mid-thirties, has a non-touching scene with his "mother" of 45. The constant unexplained parties at fatboy's "mansion" have the same people who seem not to change their clothes for weeks on end.But the worst part of this film is the logic. Cops w/ bullet proof vests take shots like Superman without barely a flinch. Whenever there's a shootout within 20 square feet, nobody considers taking cover from the bullets. And why should they? Trained LAPD officers are known for being terrible shots anyway, right? There's also no sense in ballistics when detectives come around.Bottom line, this film may suck noodles but I've seen Madsen in worse (Against All Hope, Executive Target, My Boss's Daughter, etc). Unless you're a big fan of his, as I am, stay away from this film.
Doug McArthur It never fails to amaze me that even with a good cast, big enough budget, ok theme, producers and directors can churn out second rate rubbish like this. even the actors at the end of the movie must be thinking "six guys ten feet apart firing hundreds of shots at each other and it takes a full minute before one hits it's mark"
beauchaput Hi I worked on this piece of work. I knew it was going to be bad when we were doing it of course but had no idea it would be this bad. I remember we had D. Hopper for 2 days it was like being at the dentist for him, and Madsen was hilarious I remember him making the "when I had a career" crack a few times. Love those Canadian gang bangers hey, "cut me some slack G!" hahaaahhaahahaah
stefan899 This was just utter crap. Usually if a movie is not that good I can watch it until the end, but for this movie I just couldnt last all the way. I had to stop it half way through. The two lead actors were so bad they sounded like robots talking to each other. I was also sucked in by the cover thinking that Madsen and Hopper were gonna be the main two leads. Ha - big mistake that was. One viewer already mentioned the scene with the fat cop chasing the hobbling homeless guy. I have never seen a more crappy and dumb scene as that. The way the fat cop runs, the fact that he is outran by the hobbling homeless guy, and that he shoots and misses him from a few feet. Unbelievable! That scene alone summarises the whole crappy movie.Also, a guy gets shot in the chest against a wall and from somewhere blood appears next to his head?!?! Figure that one. And a robber gets shot from behind, with the bullets going through his torso, and yet they just mysteriously vanish on the other side. Where did they go?? The only saving grace for this film was those hot goddesses at the parties. Where did they get these chicks? NEGATIVE 10 out of 10 from me!!
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