Dance with the Devil
Dance with the Devil
| 31 October 1997 (USA)
Dance with the Devil Trailers

She's sexy, shameless and loves taking people to their limit. She's a dangerous young woman who dreams about a jaguar that licks her naked body and sleeps by her side. Her past is bathed in blood and weird passions. Now she's met the man of her wildest dreams. He's dark, tough and mysterious. He likes robbing banks, trafficking in corpses and spicing it all with voodoo rituals. Together, the duo sets off toward Mexico destined to become the most feared outlaws in the continent.

TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
mikemdp Oh. My. God.Who knew they made exploitation flicks like this anymore?I'm an old enough East Coaster to hold fond memories of New York's Times Square before Rudolph "Benito" Giuliani sold it to Disney and TGI Friday.Aside from the skin flicks, movies like "Dance with the Devil" were as indicative of NYC moviehouses as its giant, family-friendly multiplexes are now.This is exactly, EXACTLY the kind of movie they'd be showing in Times Square right now if David "Wait, what? I'm the damn MAYOR???" Dinkins stayed in office.Without rehashing the plot, let's just say "Dance with the Devil" is everything right that Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez get wrong when they digitally replicate film scratches and cellophane splices into their unworthy "Grindhouse" homages."Dance with the Devil" is what Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez imagine when they touch each other in the shower.The plot, not that it matters, is about two Hispanic maniacs who kidnap a white teenage couple to sacrifice in some Santeria ritual that doesn't really exist and that would probably offend just about every Hispanic person on earth, faith irregardless.Let's go over the pros:-- The only chick to get naked is the one who's supposed to be a teenager (but is obviously not). Thumbs up!-- Pre-"Sopranos" James Gandolfini (RIP) as a DEA agent is high throughout this whole movie, and repeatedly gets run over by cars for no good reason. Thumbs up!-- Rosie Perez obviously has one of those devoted, gay personal assistants whose job it is to massage her breasts until her nipples poke out of her tank top in every scene. Thumbs up!The cons:-- Humanity knows Rosie Perez is better than this, and humanity is profoundly disappointed in her. Thumbs down.-- Rosie Perez never takes her clothes off. Thumbs down-- What is this movie about? Thumbs down.So this was on a collection of four movies no one's ever heard of for a buck at the dollar store, and this one is definitely worth the two bits. And nothing more.
Prof-Hieronymos-Grost Bad girl Perdita Durango (Rosie Perez) meets her match when she teams up with villain Romeo Dolorosa (Javier Bardem), he is an all round criminal who is also the grandson of a witch, in his spare time he sacrifices innocents in a form of voodoo ceremony. Perdita wants to kidnap some gringo's, kill them and eat them, but before they do all this, Romeo is hired to steal a consignment of human foetuses for a criminal boss who wants to use them for beauty products? In the mean time though Perdita and Romeo take great pleasure in scaring the hell out of a young blond couple they have kidnapped, after raping their respective captives they are told they are going to die in a sacrificial ceremony. There are flys in the ointment though, an FBI agent Willie 'Woody' Dumas(James Gandolfini) is in hot are a bunch of criminals looking for money they are owed by Romeo. Yet another darkly comic thriller from de la Iglesia, Perdita Durango combines aspects of Tarantino, The Coens and even David Lynch into one crazy demented film. There are some aspects that are rather hideous, the delight of killing and raping that the main protagonists have will surely alienate the majority of viewers, but still I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed it all the same. I usually hate Perez, but here for once she really inhabits her character to perfection, Bardem is also sensational especially when he does his "voodoo" trances. The film is uber stylish and always surprising, what more could one ask for?
maatmouse-1 This film came as something of a surprise. A friend lent me the DVD and this is apparently the full, uncut version of a film which seems to have suffered (as usual) at the hands of the overzealous censors. Leave such films alone! They stand on their own.The film begins with Rosie Perez and ends with her, telling a story in between of a priest of Santeria (not Voodoo, they are different religions) played brilliantly and with much glee by the extraordinary Javier Bardem. Bardem hooks up with Perez as they head north, through the American border on a couple of jobs. The first of these jobs being to conduct dark, Santeria based rituals with his friend. The second being to do a job involving driving a truck full of human foetal material for clinics doing cosmetic surgery and getting very well paid for it. The two also drag along a couple of 'gringos', a scared young couple whom they proceed to collectively seduce and later 'sacrifice' in one of Dolorosa's ceremonies. All this and they are pursued by a member of the DEA or James Gandolfini who seems to find himself getting more and more injured in accidents as the film progresses.The film is violent, no doubt about it and not for the faint hearted. It is also incredibly sexy. The director seems to make full use of the fact that Bardem is a bit of a Spanish hunk, him spending most of the film in leather. That said, Bardem is amazing. The sub-plot of him being a priest of Santeria gives the director an opportunity to film Bardem in full-on 'devil' type mode, spitting blood at people and throwing body parts around. Strong stuff indeed.
JoeKarlosi A wild Spanish roller coaster ride of a film has Rosie Perez and witch doctor Javier Bardem as two lovers on the run, kidnapping a couple of very irritating teenagers with an idea of using them in some bizarre sacrificial ceremony (these kids were so hateful, I couldn't wait). All of this feels kind of familiar, and it bounces all over the place. However, seeing Rosie Perez undertaking the part of a skanky slut is probably the best use I've seen her put to so far, and I must admit that Bardem is very powerful and charismatic in what is otherwise a pretty messed up film.*1/2 out of ****
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