| 04 April 2002 (USA)
Tattoo Trailers

Marc Schrader, a rookie cop caught red-handed with drugs in a police raid of an illegal rave, joins a homicide investigation conducted by Chief Inspector Minks. The victim is a naked young woman with the skin stripped off her back, killed as she staggered into traffic. As Schrader and Minks investigate the murder, the case is complicated by a finger found in the stomach of the victim. Forensic examination proves the finger belongs to Nobert Günzel, who was previously convicted of rape and assault. The police raid Günzel’s residence, and discover a blood-stained table with restraints and bits of human flesh in his basement. They also find video equipment and preserved, tattooed skin from the victim’s back. Soon, they found dead bodies buried in the garden. Günzel then goes missing.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Usamah Harvey The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
largo-9 The directorial debut of Schwentke is no-doubt a very well shot movie. It looks beautiful, ıts atmosphere is intriguing, the score and soundtrack is perfect match and the acting is above average.. whoever succeeds in shooting a movie that looks like this as a debut is deemed to be a very successful director. thats for sure.. His obssesion with reflections can be tiring from time to time but Schwentke handles this so delicately this trademark of his never feels repetitive..It is nearly impossible to think of someone who would not wonder about Schwentke's next project after watching Tattoo. So after so much praise lets come to the negatives. I will say only one thing: story.. It is full of nonsense. Minks a cop of years of experience on the streets can not locate his own daughter but the younger cop who is asked to help find her in a day.. and hey she was working as a bartender in a nightclub. But a 20 year veteran detective who seems to live to find his daughter can not locate her..? Actually I myself had difficulty in following the plot but the movie gives you the understanding that the police in Germany is really really incompetent--no offense to the Polizie it is just what the movie suggests..-- 12 deads, one dead detective and his daughter and still no one seems to care including the chief..? I think with a stronger screenplay this movie had the potential to be a classic especially with the direction of Schwentke.. A solid 7.5
DVD_Connoisseur "Tattoo" is a first class macabre psychological horror movie / thriller from director Robert Schwentke. From the start, its cold colour palette and distanced camera-work create a dark and sinister atmosphere. Nightclub life in the world of "Tattoo" appears depressing and emotionless. This is a world where there is little laughter, only pain.Schwentke manages to create an on-screen world where the fantastic events of this tale seem believable. Inspired by the German expressionist movement, it's a fantastic achievement and although comparisons will always be made with Fincher's "Se7en", I think "Tattoo" is the superior film.The cast are excellent. August Diehl plays the young cop who is blackmailed into joining Christian Redl on the grittier side of police work. Diehl's first case is the murder of a young woman who was into self-mutilation and who died shortly after biting off a man's finger...and swallowing it. The beautiful Nadeshda Brennicke plays Maya Kroner whose secrets take the story in an exciting and unpredictable direction.While the subject of people being murdered for their tattoos is not new (Roald Dahl's short-story "Skin" covers the same ground), the film's plot is gripping and effectively told.After viewing this film shortly after "Antikörper" and "Kontroll," it would appear that some of the best psychological horror films of the noughties are coming out of Europe. Rich on atmosphere and slightly other-worldly, these films are a delight to watch.9 out of 10.
Marc German film making is definately getting better!! Unfortunately, not available with English dubbing (perhaps a blessing in disguise?) or subtitles. But for those of us expats that can speak the lingo, a must see!
phaze2 Normally I am not the kind of person to get mad about a movie. I either think abuot it as good entertainment - and that's it - or as not worth viewing, well, there go ? 8,-. But this film managed to almost make me scream in pain. If it was just plain bad I wouldn't bother to write this comment. But indeed it had its moments. In fact it was partly brilliant. As the first movie I know it managed to combine some of the best elements of genuine german film-making and big Hollywood cinema. There may be some minor flaws in the storyline, including the fact that one can guess quite early who the real antagonist is. But these are well compensated by a dense storyline, credible characters and a nice amount of gore ^_^ . So much potential. And then... THIS ENDING ?! Did Schwentke run out of money? Brain? Or both? Maybe I am just too dumb to get it, but I felt just unsatisfied and betrayed. And according to the reaction of my friends and the other viewers I was not alone. But anyways, 'trakl' may be right - this film might change the whole way of german film-making in a positive way. Let's hope for the best.