KM 31: Kilometer 31
KM 31: Kilometer 31
| 19 October 2006 (USA)
KM 31: Kilometer 31 Trailers

While driving through the kilometer 31 of a lonely road, Agata Hameran hits a boy. She leaves her car to help the victim and another car runs over her and she falls in a deep coma. Her twin sister Catalina telepathically feels the pain of Agata and hears her whispering for help. Together with her boyfriend Nuno and Agata's mate Omar, they return to the km 31 of the road, and find out that the place is surrounded by supernatural accidents caused by the ghost of a mother that lost her boy many years ago. Further, Catalina discloses that the spirit of Agata is trapped between the worlds of the living and the dead.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Claudio Carvalho While driving through the kilometer 31 of a lonely road, Agata Hameran (Iliana Fox) hits a boy. She leaves her car to help the victim and another car runs over her and she falls in a deep coma. Her twin sister Catalina (Iliana Fox) telepathically feels the pain of Agata and hears her whispering for help. Together with her boyfriend Nuno (Adrià Collado) and Agata's mate Omar (Raúl Méndez), they return to the km 31 of the road, and find out that the place is surrounded by supernatural accidents caused by the ghost of a mother that lost her boy many years ago. Further, Catalina discloses that the spirit of Agata is trapped between the worlds of the living and the dead."Km 31" is an intriguing ghost story, with good performances, a dark cinematography and great special effects. Unfortunately, the messy screenplay spoils the conclusion of the plot of this promising and refreshing film. Like many others horror movies, the author and the director were not able to give a suitable resolution to the plot and I was absolutely frustrated with the awful ending. Anyway I do not dare to write that "Km 31" is a bad movie, but it could be better and better with improvements and better conclusion. My vote is six.Title (Brazil): "Km 31"
Kin de Llaca I don't think you're right. I mean, KM31 is not the best horror film or Mexican movie ever, I know... but it's not the worst. You have to consider the special effects made by Mexicans and there's a huge advance.I think the final sucks but the rest of the film doesn't. It's good, interesting, good acting, photography and stuff.Another Mexican suspense film is "Sobrenatural" starring Susana Zabaleta. The actress is excellent but they don't use special effects because of the money and the talent. Now Mexico is growing up with its new movies and KM31 was a good try.Good luck.
Julio Saenz (jacktheraperx) I know this is a Mexican movie and I'm Mexican, but for the sake of the website I'll write my review in English: I just went last night to see this movie, and as you can probably imagine I didn't slept all that well, some images kept popping in my mind after the lights were all gone.Anyway, this movie is truly amazing it really stands way above the recent Hollywood/jap horror flicks, some may say that it's just a copy of that, but think about it! let's just compare it to "The ring" (not "Ringu") and you will see this one is not just a bunch of cheap "jumping moments" when you least expect it it builds to it, you don't know exactly when to expect it but when it happens it makes sense and the images get carved in the back of your brain, it has a lot of plot twists and many references to old Mexican folk tales which I dare to presume not all people will get, it has something for everyone, those who know will get to see those old ghost stories come to life in the way of an image, those who doesn't will get a horrifying good time.This story is very well structured, the sound works incredibly at so many levels, the story is involving and straight to the point although we do not see a lot of character development it really is not necessary to understand the movie, the editing is great and the direction goes just beyond with some creative (altough sometimes pretentious) camera angles, the special effects were made with love just like the rest of movie, this is the kind of movie that you get out of teather feeling something's following you, will keep you up the night after you see it and the next day you will want to see it again.I don't know if by any chance Rigoberto Castañeda will read this reviews but if he does I really need to tell him, my hat's off to you sir and I stand up and applaud such a marvelous work of art, being a hardcore horror fan I find it refreshing to see such a movie and it really does give me hope for the Mexican movies in the near future, I just wish you just started a trend, not for horror movies, but for quality movies.Two thumbs up! -J
Paco Colmenares I can try to forgive the mistakes of Km 31, but I know I will not forget. Whoever investigates the Mexican cinema just a little, will realize horror genre is not around for, at least, 15 years. This is not an excuse, but let you understand where we are and where are we trying to go. Yes, it is true, Km 31 failed in many aspects. It failed with a captivating closing or with empathic performances, with a rhythm that he never found, with jumping of images packed in good special effects, but surrounded with incomprehensible sequences. But if we are fair, it also had wise moves. It has sowed a seed of confidence and credibility. He has made us remember that our cinema is perfectible and not only condemnable. It reminded us that bogeys not only exist in Tennesse, voodoo in New Orleans or curses in Japan. It reminded us that also here they watch, they threaten and scare. He reminded to us that here also we have fantasy. I am sure that with the correct support, Km 31 can be the beginning of a new history in the cinema of terror. I hope that this way it should be.
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