Km. 0
Km. 0
| 30 June 2000 (USA)
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Located in Madrid's Plaza del Sol, Km. 0 is the point from which all distances in Spain are measured from the capital. In Km. 0, it is also the meeting point for a gallery of characters. Bored, affluent housewife Marga meets up with gigolo Miguel, who co-habitates with gay Benjamin. Sergio, a soon-to-be-married office clerk who can't wait to lose his virginity, makes the acquaintance of prostitute Tatiana, while gay dancer Bruno meets Maximo. Meanwhile, wannabe director Pedro arranges to meet up with Silvia, an actress who wants to work in musicals directed by Gerardo, and bartender Mario is caught between Amor, who wants to marry him, and her little sister Roma, who is truly in love with him.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Bergorks If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
cdshow This delightful comedy follows the 14 characters whose plans to meet on an unbearably hot afternoon at KM 0 in Madrid become unraveled by midnight. There is the film student thinking he is meeting a cousin for lodging; a lady scheduling to meet a younger john; a flamenco dancer who thought he is seeing an internet date; a nerd planning for a first time tryst with a hooker; a girl shopping for a wedding to an unexcited boyfriend and a desperate actress hoping to land a part in a musical. Come midnight and the long awaited rain, all their expectations were met unexpectedly. Acting is low brow but very believable. Some spot on emotions (and funny) like when bride-to-be had an empty pistol shot at her head and the highly-charged nerd cum when touched by a gigolo. I thought the whole movie is more about the happenings in the Diner (where they all meet) owned by the reluctant groom rather than KM 0 itself but hey, you will smile and laugh along the way.
esh04676 This film is a delight and somewhat of a surprise for its frank treatment of all kinds of sexual relationships. Each character has his or her unique adventure seeking companionship,love, or excitement during one steamy afternoon and evening in Madrid, the unifying element being the meetings at the kilometer zero marker in one of the city's plazas, from which distances to other locations in Spain are measured. There are various mishaps ranging from mistaken identities to a minor auto accident. Everything has a delightfully light touch, and this viewer empathized easily with all the characters in their amorous adventures, ranging from the neglected middle-aged wife who hires a gigolo to the young backpacker who wants to help a prostitute gain more self-confidence. The use of a wallet photograph to establish a crucial identity reminds one of Restoration comedies in which a portrait in a locket is so important to the plot. In so many ways Km.0 is very traditional and in other ways, as in its frank depiction of a variety of sexual relationships, very modern. My one criticism of the film is the relegation of Tristan Ulloa to a role in which the talents he displayed in Sex and Lucia are not utilized.
David Low-budget and light, KM 0 is - nonetheless - a refreshing blend of drama and romantic comedy. Combining a sprawling Altman-size cast, a touch of Almodovar camp, and a Frank Capra sweetness, the film follows the interaction and evolving connections between 14 strangers from various backgrounds who all share a coincidental meeting place at the center of Madrid, during a highly symbolic heat wave. The varied situations they find themselves in are fairly cut-and-dried at first, but each evolves in an unusual direction, and at least a few of the characters (the younger gay man, the middle aged woman) are quite fascinating and endearing. This attention to detail elevates this charming but messy film above the usual romantic comedy, and the Capra-esquire twist near the film's end was pleasantly unexpected. With the exception of the middle-aged woman, I found the male characters to be much more well developed. The fact that a couple of the women preserve connections to men who treat them badly seemed highly unnecessary - though perhaps realistic, it didn't really work as a critique of sexual politics, and this threw a sour note into an otherwise breezy and pleasant film.But overall there's plenty of charm here, and I found KM 0 to be mostly a treat.
tau_male Watch closely at the beginning as the ensemble characters are introduced. There are a lot of characters and the interplay between them is superb. For being funny, the movie still has a lot of power to shock with dark humor. The gay content is very frank, very natural, and very funny.