Killing Ariel
Killing Ariel
R | 16 June 2009 (USA)
Killing Ariel Trailers

One night, a female demon attacks Rick, a contentedly married man. Under the spell of the demon, he takes a beautiful young woman, Ariel, off to an isolated house for a weekend fling. There, bizarre and frightening things happen, and accidentally Rick kills Ariel. But she won't stay dead. He soon realizes that she is the demon that first attacked him. He defends himself by killing her again. And again. But no matter how many times he kills her, she keeps coming back

Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Sam Wanjere Hi Movieman_Kev. Ariel is a succubus not an incubus (male). Wikipedia explains it well here: The only major part that might have been confusing is connecting the number of times the protagonist kills Ariel with the women he supposedly murdered in the "real world". I would also add to the time lapse that follows his weekend tryst with the she-mon. It could have been brought out better with the movie directors showing just how much time had elapsed. I was surprised to learn that the cast are acting unknowns, but they did managed to bring out the story well enough. It's an entertaining piece with a nice twist at the end (the son also falls prey to Ariel). It's a good movie that should be reviewed by more people. I award it an eight.
nonconformistx7 I can't believe so few people have seen/rated this movie. Judging from the film's website they're still working on getting proper distribution. That is a shame, because fans of the genre deserve the chance to see this. I consider myself lucky enough to have seen this film, which is quite a rarity for me to say when it comes to horror-thrillers, especially low budget ones such as this.I love horror/thrillers, but come out of almost all of them with general feelings of disappointment. Why? Because all I want is something a little bit original that scares me and is at least a little bit believable. Movies continually fall short on either one or, typically, all of these points. Instead of originality and thrills I get recycled bits of other horror movies, a couple spoonfuls of bad acting, and several buckets of corn-syrup blood. If the budget is low then acting gets worse and is then accompanied by campy effects, bad puns, and bad camera work, all of which eliminate any redeeming qualities of the film. I see this time and time again, and I am happy to say that's not what I saw with Killing Ariel. The fresh premise had me interested from the beginning, the acting - while not Oscar-worthy - is far better than most in this genre, (think Jack Nicholson in "The Shining"), and they didn't try to overcompensate a lack of genuine thrills with gallons of blood, although there was some gore. Also, not once did any of the characters do something that they wouldn't rationally do were they in a similar situation. That is to say there are no, "We're in danger...lets all split up!" moments in this film.While not a perfect 10, the fact that it didn't suffer from the pitfalls that even "blockbuster" horror movies out there suffer from makes me tip my hat to all those involved. I can't even say that I was "pleasantly surprised" by this movie because I hold the same standards to all movies in this genre, regardless of their budget or status. It lived up to what I consider to be reasonable standards: originality, thrills, and believability. (A decent plot and acting helped as well).Simply put, if you like horror/thriller, find a way to watch this movie. You won't regret it.
Thimmy Lindwall In the start i didn't know if this was a good movie, i was like "what the hell, ill take a peek" And oh my god, this scared the hell out of me!I loved this movie, it beat "1408" with miles, its not the same "kind" but it is frightening from the start to the end. I say this, Best Horror movie this year, and gonna be hard beating this. And i would love if they do more of these psychological thrillers/horror movies comes, smarter and scarier.The movie starts when the main character is a boy, sitting in his dark childhood room, and the parents screaming outside in the livingroom. He hears a shotgun go off. He lights a candle and opens the door, there stand his mom with the dead father, she turns to the boy and shots herself with the shotgun. then the demon reveals himself for the first time, after the both parents are dead.Years later, he is older, and its his time to encounter this demon. The fright in this is the continuing hell that the demon in this movie creates for him, how the demon never lets go off his mind, and really mind rape him from the start to the end.Watch this! you will love it!
joeln86 I saw this movie last night with an invited audience of about 100 people. It started out kind of serious and disturbing. There is a scene where a little boy sees his mother kill his father then herself. If that image doesn't disturb you, the boy gets horrified by a demon seconds later and hides in a closet to be found later by his grandfather. This all happened in the first five minutes of the movie!!!!! The story then jumps forward 25 years to the boy, now an adult, struggling, not with seeing his mother and father killed, but with the reality of his "normal" life. He then meets a young woman who he thought he would have an affair with but she turns him to focus on his tortured mind. The audience didn't know what they got themselves into. They were expecting Horror but got a David Lynch type thriller with all the dark humor and violence akin to the Lynch style. Good going guys!!!!