Killer Tomatoes Eat France!
Killer Tomatoes Eat France!
PG | 18 November 1992 (USA)
Killer Tomatoes Eat France! Trailers

After being busted out of jail by his tomatoes, Professor Mortimer Gangrene begins a new plot to take over the world by inserting his hapless lackey Igor into the throne of the King of France.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Justina The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jacobjohntaylor1 This is the forth killer tomatoes movie. It is best one. It is very funny. Very very stupid. And very funny. This movie has a very good story line. See this movie. See all killer tomatoes movies. They are all very funny. This is not a 3.4. That is just underrating it. This is a great movie. It is very Marc Price is a great actor. This is one of the best comedy movie of all time. John Astin is a very funny. See this movie. John Astin sprays Paris with ketchup. He sprays it all over the eyeful tower. Great movie great movie great movie. Very funny very very funny. The first three movies were funny but this one was funnier. This movie. It is a must see.
the_wolf_imdb I have expected a lot worse because of very low ranking on IMDb. Yes, this movie is definitely not a gem, but it is funny in a playful way. The jokes are mostly mild, I was not laughing aloud but I have definitely smiled for the most of the movie. At least this comedy is not filled with obscene jokes, farting and vomiting as is typical for low ranking comedies these days. So you can watch this movie with your kids as well.The best part is probably "the war with the tomatoes" sequence. But other scenes are actually very good as well (the stories of the tourists suffering the endless tour in the castle). There is a ton of different books and movies being parodied in the movie, yet it is surprisingly not offensive towards the French too much. There is some baguette-waving and such jokes but fun is made at the expense of American school system as well. The "US school map" of Europe is really hilarious, I would like to buy one!Not really great but definitely not waste of time either. Just a bit of moderate silly fun.
onenightofsin2004 There was nothing of value in the original movie, this one was even lamer. The fact that I even found it to rent was absolutely amazing. Anyone connected to this film has to be high on something! So what was the story line? What was with the girl? Was the viewer supposed to get the story line in the first four minutes of the film. Sadly, I tried several times to watch this. I even borrowed a kid from someone to get some feedback. Kid said it was stupid, and he was four years old. I find that possibly some credit could go to the filming director, as possibly some of the shots made the movie more than a B film. That might be pushing it. I did love the theme song. Good thing it was only a dollar, it was worth it. I suppose you might enjoy the film if you were high as the cast and crew would have to be. Is pot legal in France?
Lady-of-Rohan I'm one of those people who enjoy bad movies. I rent them on a weekend and give in to the insanity of terrible cinema. At this point, I have respect for every single bad movie I have seen in the past because I CAN'T TAKE THIS ANYMORE! EVERY MOVIE I SEE KEEPS GETTING WORSE AND WORSE! I've have done reviews of films like A Crack in the Floor and Campfire Stories but I am 100% confident that they will seem like Tolstoy compared to this. The plot is jaw dropping. A young man and his girlfriend try to unravel a mystery and a daring rescue of TJ, (or something like that, who cares) a rock star tomato who is kidnapped by an evil professor and his vegetable minions who desire the rise of the new king of France and complete world domination. The plot is clearly crafted by Shakespeare himself!While some might argue that this film is trying to be intensionally funny, the film makers obviously diddn't care if the film was of any kind of real quality. And by extension, neither was the director when the camera man CLEARLY TRIPS OVER THE STAIRS WHILE FILMING. The plot is clearly a kind of parody from the previous tomato films but the level of absurdity still forced me to take 5 minute breaks every 15 minutes.I've sacrificed 2 hours of my life that I will never ever get back. I have never seen tomatoes this ugly, a plot this terrible, or jokes this awful. God speed.Grade: 1/10