Kill the Irishman
Kill the Irishman
R | 11 March 2011 (USA)
Kill the Irishman Trailers

Over the summer of 1976, thirty-six bombs detonate in the heart of Cleveland while a turf war raged between Irish mobster Danny Greene and the Italian mafia. Based on a true story, Kill the Irishman chronicles Greene's heroic rise from a tough Cleveland neighborhood to become an enforcer in the local mob.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
tfminfl A pretty awesome bio pic about Irish gangster Danny Greene. Ya see, Danny was pretty upset with the way he and his fellow workers were being treated by the boss, so one day he was pretty sick of it and marched into his bosses office and slapped him across the face, cause he's taking over, and he gets it...ahh if it were only that easy... but this boss was full on corrupt and lacked a spine, and that's how it starts, and then we watch Danny slap the crap out of anybody who stands in his way, making it too the top, and we all know what comes next, the fall. Really cool performance by Ray Stevenson, and a lot of familiar faces pop up as gangsters, same faces that have been playing gangsters since the 80s... Hmmm, maybe they are gangsters!?! And of course, Chris Walken makes an appearance as well, as only Chris Walken can, with pure awesomeness. Filmbufftim on FB.
Louisvega This is a truly awful film from 2011 that you would think was made for TV in 1990. Such bad acting and dumb looks from the lead roll, you wonder how he ever got the gig. This film throws well know actors from many much better classic gangster films in extremely typecast rolls, to the point of you start to wonder who else the director has dug out from the woodwork to pop up during the film. But even they can not save this disaster of a movie. It reminded me of the Comic Strip film 'Strike' ... But for the wrong reasons.How on earth this film has the rating it does on here makes me think long and hard about how the reviews are put together on here.
dworldeater Ray Stevenson really delivers a powerful performance as Irish mobster Danny Greene. Few actors can pull off dramatic stuff such as this while being so damn tough . Based on the life of real Irish crimelord Danny Greene this is very similar in style to Goodfellas and also shares some of the support cast of aforementioned mob classic . This also reminds me of the Sly Stallone crime classic FIST. Of which is a tough film in its own right , but also a well made , story, character driven drama like this film. Kill The Irishman has one of the best supporting casts around which includes Vincent D'Onofrio, Christopher Walken, Vinny Jones and Val Kilmer(plus half of the cast of Goodfellas ). Ray Stevenson holds his own among all of these great actors by playing Greene smart, tough , charismatic and ruthless . Dialogue is delivered just as well as brutal beatings.Danny Greene is truly a tragic figure and Kill The Irishman exhibits some humanity as well as making him sympathetic and likable . Excellent.
djderka I was surprised at how this was a really well told story.It was made in 2011, but took place in the mid 70s. It is the story of Danny Greene an Irish mobster who would not sell out to the Italian mafia as they fought over turf in Cleveland.And the Director, Jonathan Hensleigh did a great job on the direction and script. Too many who knew him, Danny had a 'good' side and a bad side and it was represented in the movie. Danny served Turkeys at holidays, saved an old lady from an explosion, yet easily planted a bomb to eliminate adversaries. Jonathan told the story in 70's film language which has a lot of natural lighting, some hand held camera, realistic scenes, and sort of a cinema-verite feel to the movie. This made the film seem like a documentary but without the ponderous narrator and constant talking heads. Hensleigh told the story with action and character. The lighting, film stock, and camera work was reminiscent of The French Connection, a gritty 70's film.Ray Stevenson was almost a look alike for the real Danny Greene and added to the realism of the story.Even the fights were very realistic. There was no whack, thwack of a bamboo rod on leather as is typically overdone in movies. Those fights are a realism unmatched in cinema. a) they did not go on forever, with high kicks and constant up and down moments for the hero. b) sound of fist heating a chin was very real. Fights aren't an array of sound effects. c) most real fights end pretty quickly as in the movie, a few punches and the guy is down and you beat him up, he doesn't keep popping up like a whack a mole after being knocked out. Thank goodness the fights didn't go on forever with 'artsy' camera angles.The feel of this movie was gritty, and matched the grittiness of the story and labor (garbage and longshoreman activities) and you didn't feel the supporting cast was acting but that you were watching a mafia spy cam on their activities. See the extra features and the movie is pretty much the real story. The supporting cast of name actors had them nicely blended into the background and not upstaging the main character. Nicely done.I liked the incorporated newsreel footage, and forgot about all those explosions in the 70s in Cleveland. Funny how bombs are the "weapon"of choice for criminal types.Thank goodness Scorsese did not direct this movie as it would have been over lit and much more hyped up and with those whack fist effects and other posed scenes.And people died in these explosions, they didn't run ahead of them like Tom Cruise and Harrison Ford to "beat" the blast.If want to learn about the historic story of mobster vs. mobster in the 70s and an icon of resistance...this is the movie.