Double Identity
Double Identity
| 18 December 2009 (USA)
Double Identity Trailers

In Chechnya, an American doctor takes a detour in life when he helps a mysterious woman escape from her would-be assailant.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Mohamed Salah (MohamedRiddleR) The story-line is too boring, too much mystery & most scenes make no sense at all. the woman is risking her life & her plan for a total stranger. he's smoothly dealing with action & killings for a doctor!. You can't keep the viewer from simplest facts in the plot till its half! bad and unrealistic had to go through the full film waiting for better action or time line, still it ends worst than it starts. Barely watchable Not worth going out for nor even watching on your DVD screen. Lacking plot, cohesion & drama. Val Kilmer is not like a good old wine; Fatty, heavy, clumsy and without any ability to show any emotion. He looks like a stoned junkie. Boring characters, boring storyline, no acting, predictable outcome.
Monterey Redfox Kilmer phones this one in. He must have had a few free weeks between theatre engagements and thought a free few weeks in Europe would be nice. Though he obviously spent too much time at the hotel banquet table. At one laughable point he's taken in by one of the groups who offer to help change his identity. Kilmer's picture is on the front page. What do they do? They give him a change of clothes and send him back out on the street with the same long hair and beard. Kilmer must have needed it for his next role.Isabella Miko is probably the most well-developed character of the movie, which isn't saying much. Her loyalty throughout the movie is ambiguous. She carries her role with some energy, more so than everyone else, who come across as gray shadows in comparison. Maybe its her blonde hair or her cleavage.The various agencies / groups / organizations plotting against one another are unclear. They sport varying accents and speak different foreign languages. Are they government / private / terrorist? Some carry badges, but are they real? In the end, you figure out that a private company is currently buying diamonds from a "cartel" and is offered an alternative deal. A shadowy group offers them access to a government minister who can give them a pipeline to diamonds mined within his country's borders at discount prices. This shadowy group is competing with the cartel, who is determined to stop the deal. Several characters appear to work for more than one side, but which side is not always clear.
kluseba Although this is low budget thriller with some little goofs, I found this movie extremely entertaining and surprising.Val Kilmer might have become a slow and fat guy, but he is still a very charismatic and talented actor and is credible in his role as a hesitating and nervous doctor who becomes more and more determined to find the pieces of a mysterious and complicated puzzle even if he could have played his role with a little bit more emotions. The charming and beautiful Izabelle Miko does also a great job as a "femme fatale" and double-agent in troubles. Bulgaria is an interesting shooting place for this movie and presents us a little bit of a foreign culture and city.Concerning the story line, this movie has several surprises and is sometimes difficult to follow with all its intrigues, conspiracies and double-agents. I think that the story is well elaborated and deserves us some surprises and twists. That's maybe why many people don't understand the goals of some organizations. But if you watch this movie with more attention again and do not concentrate on the question if the cars are more recent than 1992 when the story is settled (who really cares) or if several criminals speak in Russian (by the way, it is logical that especially the Russian criminals tried to get a better life elsewhere after the downfall of communism and the creation of many "new" countries), you might understand more and more all the details and connections in this well done agent movie.This movie is surely nothing innovating or extremely suspenseful, but good entertainment and a twisted and surprising movie with two interesting main actors.
Wizard-8 It doesn't seem that long ago that Val Kilmer was a big star appearing in major Hollywood movies - it's kind of sad to see that just about all of his recent work has been for the straight-to-DVD market. And in these films (and this one), he appears to have put on some weight, looking somewhat puffy and tired. Actually, aside from that, he doesn't have much to be ashamed about for this particular straight-to-DVD movie. It has its faults - the story is set in 1992 for no apparent reason, Kilmer's character is not properly introduced, and for a thriller, the movie is surprisingly calm - it could have used with a bit more juice in its narrative and a few exciting action scenes. Still, the movie is professionally filmed, a trademark of Millennium Films/Nu Image, and it's nice to see one of their shot-in-Bulgaria movies actually set in Bulgaria! And while the movie could have been more engaging, it does manage to set up a mystery that keeps you watching - there's never a time I could consider anywhere near boring. No, don't seek it out, but if it comes on TV during a slow day, you could do worse.