Kart Racer
Kart Racer
PG | 16 May 2003 (USA)
Kart Racer Trailers

Fourteen-year-old Watts Davies is estranged from his dad, a former International Karting Federation (IKF) champion. Watts's resolve to race in the upcoming IKF Regional Championships rekindles their relationship as they pursue the dream together.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Ian I don't know what's sadder, the fact that this movie exists, or the fact that people are complaining that its not realistic.Racing movies are all the same, it doesn't matter what happens in the first 80 minutes, because the hero will just pull ahead at the last minute anyways. And the way they glamourized this sport was hilarious. I mean, this is the same crap people are racing at theme parks and carnivals, and they expect us to believe that it would draw crowds like that? Hey I know, let's make a movie about how some underdog unicyclist has to reconnect with his father and then perceiver to win the Unicycle Cup. At the last second he'll put it all on the line, pull ahead, and win it all.
TxMike I got this DVD from my public library for my visiting grandkids, 10 and 13. We all watched it together, and were well entertained. I especially thought Randy Quaid was a great pick to play Vic Davies, middle aged father, engine builder, single father, and former champion Kart racer. His son Watts (Will Rothhaar ) is a good kid, but keeps getting into trouble. Minor stuff, but in the opening scenes we see him street racing his cart against a dual sport motorcycle, and ending up in someone's swimming pool.SPOILERS. Dad and son do not have a good relationship, turns out mom died in an accident 4 years earlier, both of them have trouble moving on. The break comes when dad decides to teach son how to be a good racer, using the indoor track grandpa had made for dad in the shop many years earlier. Dad also designed and built a Kart, there is some drama during the qualifying race, when right before a rain postponement, their Rotax motor breaks. So they take one that dad and mom had made 4 years earlier, install it, and Watts ends up coming from behind to win the race.
bobjoyce Kart racing isn't so easy, of course. And a goof I noticed: after the "Davies Comet" engine is installed, there is still footage of Watts racing with the Rotax Max. Also, kids that age do not race with MaxSr engines.The indoor lapping in the shop was a bit nuts.The racing sounds were overdubbed with car engines or something, because I drive a rotax kart and I have never heard it sound like that. These are two-cycle engines, and I rarely heard the noises I associate with these engines during any of the racing/driving footage.Also, these karts--RotaxMax--do not make 105mph top speed.
vanessabacal It was a good movie. A little heavy on the accents but it had a thrilling story. The beginning is a little boring, but it has a solid ending. IT has a fun and competitive liveliness to it. It is enjoyable. It is good for kids under the age of 15.
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