| 06 November 1987 (USA)
Russkies Trailers

A group of American boys discovers a Russian sailor washed up on the coast of Florida and decide to befriend him, assuming that he is friendly and will bring them no danger and thus go against the ideas of their parents, as well as the government.

Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
JerryP-2 This is a feel good movie at a time when the Cold War was winding down (although most people didn't know it at the time). The acting is just awful, the characters are flat, and the plot already has been done (See "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming" It has its James Bond moments, probably intended, but they do little or nothing to help get this turkey off the ground.On the other hand, the first time around for this plot, "The Russians are Coming, The Russians are Coming", benefited from both a great cast and great writing. "Russkies" pales by comparison. I have to wonder why they bothered to make the film.
Agent10 With the Cold War raging on, this film really was a change of pace, bringing out a more poignant look between two warring nations. While the reality of the story felt contrived, it proved to be one of those films which brought a warm feeling in the bottom of the soul. Despite the cheesy 80s music and styles, this is still a movie one has to see with a group of friends.
tripwires "Russkies" is basically a sweet movie. I'm not a sappy person, and it almost made me cry. (I had a huge lump in my throat.) There is just something about seeing people care for each other that really makes me happy. And "Russkies" gives me a warm feeling. The chemistry between the actors is incredible. What's even more amazing that three of them were young and quite inexperienced. Although its plot isn't very realistic, it's okay, because the meaning of it is not lost. And I think the whole point behind this little movie is that - this is gonna sound incredibly cheesy - friendship knows no boundary or age difference. That last scene between Danny (Joaquin/Leaf Phoenix) and Misha (Whip Hubley) had me in near tears. And one thing Misha said really hit home. I don't remember the exact words, but he said people don't trust each other. I think it's very true.I bought this tape mainly to see Joaquin as a little kid. I know he's an awesome actor but I didn't know he was already awesome as a child. Those eyes, even at such a young age, can speak volumes. Joaquin/Leaf gave a truly great performance as Danny, and so did the other two kids whose names have escaped my ailing memory. I know nothing about Whip Hubley, and when the tape ended I thought he really is a Russian. Good performances all around, even from Summer Phoenix who wasn't in it a lot and that actress who played the blond boy's sister whom I usually can't stand.All in all, "Russkies" is worth watching.
Mike Going into this movie you may be skeptical, but fear not. This movie is very entertaining, the characters are all pretty well played, and the whole message is worth seeing the movie. Leaf Phoenix and his brother River, where among the best juvenile actors of the 80's. Unfortunately, the movie is no longer available for purchase and is pretty hard to find.