Just Add Water
Just Add Water
R | 18 March 2008 (USA)
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An offbeat romantic comedy about a decent guy, Ray Tuckby, with a dead-end life in the dead-end town of Trona, CA. After encouragement from a stranger whom he happens upon, Ray begins to dream again. He sheds the parasites in his life, musters the nerve to pursue his childhood love, and finally takes back his community by toppling the local teenage Meth-baron.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Limerculer A waste of 90 minutes of my life
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
mcambarr This movie doesn't deserve any awards but it doesn't deserve to be slated either. It made me laugh and I really enjoyed it. The premise of the story is quite simple, likable Ray is stuck in a dead-end job, in a dead-end town but through a fortunate chain of events his life changes for the better. This is a fun film, it isn't meant to be realistic and to pick at it for this reason is pretty silly. This is not the new "Juno" it is a different kettle of fish all together. It reminded me of "Office Space" by Mike Judge in that it isn't very complex but does what it does very nicely. It is pretty formulaic but it was a joy to watch. Danny De Vito's narration keeps it ticking over nicely and the cast all do a great job. Some great moments that will make me want to watch it again at some point. If you are in the mood for some easy going laughs that won't tax your mind too much this will sort you out. Give it a go, most people won't be disappointed.
Rutger Prins This movie is set in the most hopeless part of American society. Where everyone has a hopeless, pathetic job or no job at all and spend their free time in an equally hopeless and neglecting manner. It's just over the top and presented in a delightful, light hearted way. It's easy to identify with the lead character who is somewhat more "normal" then the people around him, but too passive to change things. Following his daily routine you realize (at least I did) it's how we all live, just exaggerated. I found it a sharp comedy in both the humorous and the dramatic sense of the word. I liked it.
gagahputra Wow. I'm surprised. The fact about this movie is if you watched it really carefully, you may notice that until the half end part of this movie, the script did works.But after that half end begins when the main character tries to save the town, wow.......that's like a real "rush hour" because all of it seem unrealistic and super corny. Trust me. It will taste like the "Honey" of the dark comedy, minus Jessica Alba. Tries to run from it if you can. Avoid this movie if you can.Just a hint : Jonah Hill is the best thing happened for this movie, yet his role seem so minor that his character didn't grow or show some humanity in it. Wait, now that i've noticed, every character in this movie is supposed to be good, or neither else bad. It's all black and white and it will be my last time watching movies without review or publicity even months after it supposed release dates.
rowestgate A smart, funny, trenchant film!. the dialog sparkles throughout, highly literate, funny. And the acting is first rate. I was very moved by the relationship between Dylan Walsh and Trace Middendorf...they were both great. It's always fun to see Devito...and definitely another side of Justin Long. Well directed...well writtenWell shot. I enjoyed every minute of the film. The "pole" scene was funny! And I loved the ending....all the characters coming together...except for the bad guys..of course!Well done. I loved it! A very funny film. I'd like to see more from this director and also from Tracey and Dylan!
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