Jurassic City
Jurassic City
| 09 January 2015 (USA)
Jurassic City Trailers

When a top-secret laboratory is unexpectedly breached, thousands of rampaging raptors are unleashed on Los Angeles! A black-ops unit is mobilized to contain the creatures before they cause city-wide chaos. Simultaneously, a truckload of raptors is rerouted to a nearby prison. Upon their escape, these ferocious flesh-eaters are beyond containment. This is Jurassic judgment night for smoking hot sorority girls, sinister scientists, muscle-bound military and doomed death-row inmates! It's about to get bloody in Jurassic City!

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Jim Wilkins I don't usually bother to write an IMDb review for movies that I dislike, but this horrible film was so bad that I felt compelled to issue a warning to any unsuspecting viewer out here who might stumble upon it by mistake. This may very well have been the worst movie I have ever seen. Everything about it stank: Sleazy CGI, wooden acting, no plot, terrible direction, a poor soundtrack, the list goes on and on. Save your money and avoid this like the plague. The only reason I gave it a score of 1 is that IMDb doesn't have a zero available.
amonettecapella This is officially the worst movie I have ever seen. Every single aspect is a train wreck, from the totally implausible plot to the incredibly crappy special effects. The acting is wooden, the dinosaurs came out of a cereal box, the characters are all complete idiots and the script is a disaster. If you like movies that make you shout at the TV and do shots whenever something really stupid happens, this one's for you. It goes well with alcohol and any snack that can easily be thrown at the screen.I loved it.
Delluvian This is among the worst films I've ever seen. And I don't mean so bad it's funny. Because it's not even funny. It's just plain bad.I don't even know what's the worst part of it. The "acting", the horrible CGI, the total lack of continuity, the awful script, the talentless directing or the fact that nothing made any sense what-so-ever! And when you react to nothing making sense in a film like this, that says quite a lot. In fact, it was so bad that I decided to take the time to write this review just to save others the time it takes to see it.Not funny, not scary, not cool, not entertaining. Just... Bad. Do NOT waste your time with this garbage. Watch a funny kind of bad film instead.
orion_ss1 I really wanted to enjoy this movie. I am a big Monique Parent fan ( she played Scarlet ), but she only had a bit part, and not put to good use ( IMHO ). A couple of other faces I recognized but could not put names to until I checked on IMDb.I had put in a pre-order to get the DVD, and waited for its final release and arrival in my mail box.A HINT at a little girl on girl action, but, nada. Girls in bikinis but no T&A ( which MIGHT have made this bearable ). Most of the "action" ( and I use the term loosely ) is in a jail ( which is where the producers belong ). No spoiler alert needed; I fell asleep after an hour. I'll try again tonight. I'd recommend saving your money and wait to see it on SciFi or other cable channel.