| 01 January 2002 (USA)
Junior Trailers

Rebecca and Sandra borrow a car and decide to go on a road trip. Soon after they have stopped at an isolated gas station, their car breaks down in the middle of nowhere. Sandra decides to hike back to the gas station to get some help

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Michael_Elliott Engine Trouble (2002) 1/2 (out of 4) Typical straight to DVD flick about two females who go out where they shouldn't be an are eventually stalked by a maniac. You can call the film whatever you want but this is without a doubt one of the worst horror films I've ever seen and trust me I've seen a whole lot. The film has the budget of around five bucks but the director doesn't even try to appease horror fans. The one gore effect is so incredibly bad that you'll be rolling your eyes. I understand with a low budget you can have good effects but if memory serves me it doesn't take a special effect for some hot woman to remove her cloths.
chrismulkeyisgod The movie starts off with what sounds to be a very fun "sounding" trip. I was expecting the movie to be about the adventures that were experienced on the trip, but instead the movie was much much more complicated than even that! There is a gas station (of horrors, one could easily say!) where seemingly helpful people are not so helpful after all...and as it so turns out. There are not very many characters in the movie, but those that are in the movie are very well developed. Their actions and motivations make sense, and are realistic within the context of the environment and within the parallel themes that run throughout the movie. Film. Being in a wheelchair myself, I found myself dualistically empathizing with the title character and feeling sort of put-off by his behavior. Some of the things he did (such as bouncing on the roof of the car for 20 minutes) didn't seem very thoughtful. It was this event, after all, that lead up to him being set on fire by proxy via an exploding car. These elements, along with Freudian themes of motherhood and time travel, only complicated my viewing experience. The ending, needless to say, was ironic. Everyone is exposed for being the true person that they are and one is left to wonder what horrors have yet to unfold at the unhelpful gas station. My favorite character was the old lady, especially if I am to submit to the notions bestowed unto her by the old man, if you catch my drift!
virtual_purple Wow, not often does such a bad movie find its way to the rental store. Thankfully, we purposely rent this kind of rubbish so that appreciate Hollywood's B-movies even more. This movie however was a king among trash. Honestly, I'm surprised Dean Cain wasn't in it (sorry Dean, but you've been going downhill since Superman).Regardless we had a great time watching this (its was titled Junior here in Canada). It was hilarious, the terrible dialogue (ex "What do we know about cars? We are both textile manufacturers!) and the miserable special effects coupled with one of the most overused plots imaginable make for a knee-slapping good time. This is the kind of movie that makes me wonder why I am not writing/directing movies because I could surely do a better job or at least couldn't do any worse.
Jos Wolffers Very rarely does a film come along that's so bad it's good. Most bad (big budget) films simply are tedious, lame and boring, and no matter how hard you try, they simply can't be enjoyed. I'm not going to name names here, but I'm sure we've all seen our share of big budget crap. The strange thing about (bad) low budget films is, that the film-makers put a lot more enthusiasm into their films and try to make up for the lack of budget. So no matter if the film turns out to be garbage, the audience can still laugh at the enormous amount of bad dialogue, continuity errors and campy performances."Engine Trouble" fits right into that mold. It was produced in Belgium for about 25 dollars, and it really shows. But besides from simply being crap, "Engine Trouble" actually manages to be quite entertaining. Not entertaining in a "Back to the Future" kind of way, but more in a "Plan 9 From Outer Space" kind of way. Obviously, dialogue and acting are extremely over the top, the production values are depressingly cheap and the plot has been done a million times before. But somehow this didn't really matter. I was surprised how much I enjoyed this film. As a matter of fact, I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard during a movie, even though the humor was entirely unintentional. I guess it was sheer disbelief that cracked me up. I mean, can a film really be this bad?So, if like me you are a fan of trash-cinema, Ed Wood and Troma, you certainly are going to enjoy this puppy. Just make sure you don't watch it alone! Ask your buddies to come over, have a few drinks and enjoy. However, if bad movies are not your bag, you might want to stay away. After all, no matter which way you turn it, "Engine Trouble" still is unadulterated crap!
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