Ju-on: The Curse
Ju-on: The Curse
| 11 February 2000 (USA)
Ju-on: The Curse Trailers

When elementary school teacher Kobayashi investigates the absence of one of his young pupils from the classroom, he finds himself at the doorstep of an anonymous suburban house that harbours a horrible secret, and into which all who enter are doomed.

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Pluskylang Great Film overall
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
khalifshirad Wow!!! this movie was very creepy. I can't sleep after watching this movie. The essence of the story is if someone go to that house, they will be cursed. The story had six segments. The first segment is about a teacher who was curios about one of his student (Toshio), because he didn't go to school. So, the schoolteacher went to Toshio's house. their was only Toshio. Toshio said that his parents was shopping. Then, the schoolteacher enrobed the mystery. The second is about another family ( the Murakami's). One of them died. The third until the fifth is same. The final segment is back to the schoolteacher when he finally died. The story had different timeline. I was a bit disappointed because the acting was a bit slow. But, i was entertained. I recommend you to watch this movie.I will give it 8/10.
xanderlavelle Before I watched the Japenese original, I've watched the American Remake, which I even found very creepy.Compared to the Remake Ju On is structured very different. The viewer is confronted with peoples and their stories. All the protagonists are chased by the curse and there are so many creepy moments.Especially the little boy is scary and I really like the way the director plays with the viewer's mind. The horror might await you behind every corner, but you just recognize it when it is too late and you get scared.I like both "The Grudge" variants and this one should be seen by every horrorfan
MartianOctocretr5 This is one of those movies that proves budget isn't everything in movie-making, especially where horror films are concerned. It's a true gem of the horror genre, exploring the human psyche as part of its path to the spooky conclusion.A brutal murder of a young woman and her son by the husband and father (who is convinced of the wife's infidelity) opens the story, unleashing the curse of a malevolent evil presence which remains in the vicinity of the violent event. The lingering presence "infects" and tries to victimize, both psychologically and physically, others who visit the crime scene.The story is logically developed, breaking the stories of key characters that encounter the evil into separate chapters, with an eerie mood that is maintained throughout. The people in the story are very real and human, and the terror, helplessness, and madness of victims is acted out skillfully. The creatures are threatening yet develop to be complex characters rather than mindless killing monsters. Their back stories are gradually revealed as things unfold. The look of the beings suits the intent of the film's focus well.There are some truly scary scenes, not on a "jump out at you" basis, but more of the "implied danger creeping toward you from the darkness" variety. There is one profoundly goose-bump-inducing scene involving a security camera. Look for that one--it's a keeper. Good old style late-night ghost story, a must for horror movie fans.
ploor For a low budget movie, this should rank as one of the best Horror movie, and certainly one of my favourites. All the comments have been posted, so I'll now disclose the Story - Spoilers.Scene 1: (Past) A male teacher realised that a student has been missing for some time, so he went to the house. He found the boy (Toshio) badly scratched and injured and alone in the house.Scene 2: A female social worker was coaching a student in a room. The girl rushed off to school leaving her alone and strange things start to happen. While the curse took place, the brother was in the next door but didn't realise anything.Scene 3: The brother's girlfriend was waiting in the school long after everybody is gone, because the bicycle and mopbile phone were still around. The school attendant chided her for staying late and left her alone in the office while she went looking for the boy. Strange things start to happen and Toshio (His spirit) appeared.Scene 4: The girlfriend's body was lying in the morgue and 2 police inspectors were discussing how/who left a behind chin in the murder scene. Back to the house, the mother was came home and nobody was around. While answering a call, the girl returned, badly injured from scratches and guess what body part was missing? Scene 5: (Back to the past) The teacher was reading the journal by the mother and she mentioned the husband's jealousy and his name. He realised that a murder could have taken place. But a noise from the attic attracted him and he found the body. As he hurried to leave, a phone call by the murderer (house owner) that he has killed the teacher's wife. He was stunned and froze at the spot. This is the climax of the movie!!! The murderer did not escape too as somehow his dead wife came back to life in the plastic.Scene 6: Final scene and back to the present. A real estate agent tried to sell this house and asked his sister, who has some supernatural instinct for advice. As she came to the house, she felt a strong presence of evil and advised that only those who do not find the wine bitter will not be harmed in the house.I'll be back for part II.
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