Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost
Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost
PG-13 | 21 May 2011 (USA)
Jesse Stone: Innocents Lost Trailers

Jesse investigates the suspicious death of a young friend while the police force deals with the arrogant new police chief who is the son-in-law of a town councilman.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
deram-77963 I enjoy all of the Jesse Stone mini series. To bad they were not filmed in the New England area and Boston. I'm sure the costs would have been substantially higher
A_Different_Drummer IMDb reviewers enjoy a challenge almost as much as Parker's Jesse Stone character in this series.For those recently arrived from another planet, this series is not exactly what it seems, to wit: 1. Selleck is in the "mature" stage of his career is here killing two birds with one (sorry for the pun) 'stone' -- the actor spends most of his time in Nova Scotia, loves it, and by producing/starring in this self-made series he gets to have his cake and eat it too 2. The negatives? Not many. You cannot even in this day and age do a Canadian film without casting at least one or two "Canadian extras" with their strange dialects and poorly-formed thespian skills. However the US contingent (Stone, Baker, deVane) are so goshdarned good, and the writing is so goshdarned sharp, and the scenery so goshdarned splendid, that these small moments of pain pass quickly.3. Slow moving to some, but what you do have on screen is what the late Spencer Tracey would have referred to as "choice"
Prismark10 I have seen enough Jesse Stone films to realise that they are not very good. If I want fun there are always re-runs of Columbo or the Perry Mason TV films.Once more with the long stares, sombre moody jazz music its a mission not to press the off switch. Even the dog looks miserable. The sight of catching William Sadler's name in the opening titles makes me persevere.William Butler the son in law of the Town Councilman is the new police chief and he has arrogance and incompetence in equal measures. You can immediately figure that he is not long for this world.Rose (Kathy Baker) finds Rutherford College student Cindy Van Aldan dead inside a car near Stone's house and it might be a drugs overdose. Stone who once arrested her feels guilty and wants to investigate the matter even though he has taken early retirement from the force.In Boston, Captain Healy asks Stone to investigate the case of a black man who might be innocent of holding up a liquor store as the evidence seems questionable and the man is reluctant to give an alibi. Stone is prepared to help but wants to be deputized so he can have a badge.He uses the badge to investigate Cindy's case who seemed to have dropped out of college, gone into rehab and then into a vice ring through a liaison with a Russian gangster.Jess being more smarter then Captain Healy figures out why the black man is reluctant to give an alibi and then locks horn with the Russian pimp instead of taking Captain Healy's offer of help with the Cindy case.Somewhere along the line he spends more time with his shrink, gets help from Geno Fish and borrows a car from ex-con Hast Hathaway and now getting involved in a relationship with his secretary who seems to be of mixed race.Jess Stone is so down in the dumps that even his dog is ringing the Samaritans and barking for help.As for the rest of the movie it drags along slowly in a predictable manner with a main plot,a side plot and a cast of recurring characters who presumably now just show up for the pay cheque and not the script. Incidentally Tom Selleck is credited as the co-writer for this film, a smarter man would had their name removed.
squirreld3 I love the Jesse Stone series but I have to say this is the worst one of the bunch. The storyline and plot are pretty bland and a lot of the same dialogue from the other films. The way the actors talked did not seem real as they were spouting off fast dialogue and weren't talking in a tone or pace that most people do(hard to explain if you haven't seen it) Hopefully the next movie will learn from this one's mistakes. Jesse is still seen moping around and doesn't go anywhere with his exwife. Nothing really changed from the other ones. While this was not as in depth or just not as interesting as the previous 6, which I really enjoyed. Weakest of the series. Should be subtitled: A brooding Jesse stares at his dog. Abrupt transitions and ending. Issues left resolved. Feels incomplete.