| 18 November 2005 (USA)
Jenifer Trailers

After a detective rescues a mute disfigured woman from being murdered, he takes her into his home to prevent her from staying in a mental hospital, a move which alienates his family and soon turns to obsession.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
morrison-dylan-fan Talking to a DVD seller about Dario Argento titles that we have seen,I mentioned that I had not seen his 2 Masters of horror eps,due to them not coming out on DVD in the UK. Happily catching me by surprise just before the October Horror Challenge kicked off on IMDb's Horror board,the seller sent me a box set of Masters of Horror as a free gift,which included the first Argento ep!,which led to me getting ready to meet Jenifer.The plot:Sitting in a car with his partner,cop Frank Spivey spots a women about to get killed.Killing the guy,Spivey finds out from his last breath that her name is Jenifer. Lifting her up,Spivey discovers that Jenifer has a disfigured face.Unable to withstand the siren call from her,Spivey decides to invite Jenifer into the family home,which leads to Jenifer eating up everything that Spivey offers her.View on the film:Following some of the original drawings in the comic book,directing auteur Dario Argento and cinematographer Attila Szalay do well at chewing on some of Argento's more wackier themes,engraved in the deformed appearance of Jenifer continuing a theme Argento has returned to since Phenomena of the main monster(s) having a deformity that the lead overlooks. Capturing Jenifer and Spivey in a savage lust,Argento uses Jenifer's disfigurements to give the erotic atmosphere an unsettling macabre edge,with the sex scenes having a wild wolves like howl,backed by Claudio Simonetti's creepy,child humming score.Making his writing debut after coming up with the idea of bringing a Bruce Jones comic to the screen,the screenplay by lead actor/writer Steven Weber laps up the cannibal horror,set off when Jenifer comes into contact with any juicy flesh (which allows Argento to joyfully go bonkers and have Jenifer chew up a cat!) Whilst taking every bite out of the gory delights on offer,Weber disappointingly fails to get under the skin of Jenifer or Spivey and makes their lust/blood lust keep the couple as wafer characters,as Spivey finds out the Jenifer is Jenny from the cannibal block.
bmw_lele To start of with, this is perhaps the only movie that I truly hate with ULTRAHARD passion. I shall restrain myself from spoiling too much in this review but to some extent it is necessary to explain what an awful "movie" this is.The movie stars of where this cop Frank is taking a leak in the woods and by chance stumbles across a man who is just about to kill this supposed innocent woman (her face is not shown). Frank shoots the man to death and saves the girl only to discover her true form, which is the disfigured face of hers. She starts to seduce Frank and they have sex...The main character Frank is one of the most stupid characters in cinema history without a doubt; He first takes Jenifer to the police-station but nobody wants to take care of her so he decides to let her live with him and his family. He will later be given the choice between family and Jenifer (who at this point has done LOTS of sick things already) and yea, this movie is VERY predictable so of course he chooses Jenifer who still continues with her animal/swine-like behavior until it reaches a certain point (where I had already lost my mind thanks to the amount of stupidness this film contains) and the cop finally decides to take care of her just like the guy in the beginning tried to do, he goes out in the woods with Jenifer on a leash just like the swine she is and it's not that hard to guess what is going to happen (like I said almost everything in this movie is 100% predictable).Apart from the predictable story; the acting is also bad, the music is bad and the cinematography is also really bad. Terrible terrible movie *shrugs*If you want to feel what it's like to truly hate a movie, I recommend this one. Chances are high you are going to feel like me after-wards; Gutted and REALLY ANGRY.However if you only want to see a good movie/horror-flick; best thing to do is to ignore this movies existence.1/10
MartinHafer This episode of "Masters of Horror" doesn't make a lot of sense. But it makes up for it by being really, really disgusting and filled with copious amounts of nudity. It was an odd mix--lots and lots of nudity (like a soft-core porn film) and lots of disgusting yechiness. It certainly is not an easy episode to love...just like its character, Jenifer.The show begins with a cop (Steven Weber) seeing a crazed man about to butcher a woman. He orders the man to stop but he refuses and the cop is forced to shoot the man. Only then does he get a good look at the lady--and she is a hideous monster with an amazingly sexy body. Now here is where it gets weird and makes no sense---she is put in a mental institution and he checks her out to come live with him and his family. From the beginning, this doesn't work out--as she's a monster!! But for some reason, the cop cannot let her go and soon begins having sex with her (ewww). Later, she eats the family's cat and graduates up to eating people---and yet he cannot let her go. You assume she must have some weird psychic hold on him...or he's just an idiot who likes having sex with disgusting monster.All in all, this is a very, very nasty show. While I loved the first episode I watched of the series with George Wendt, this one was hard to love and really was disgusting. I also assume most folks simply wouldn't watch this due to it being so incredibly explicit and gross. A hard episode to love. Also, as I watched this with my wife, she accurately predicted how the show would end after only about five minutes into it! By the way, Weber (of "Wings" fame) also wrote this episode. And, like other show in the series, it's directed by a famous director--in this case, Dario Argento of Italian horror film fame.
terrible2 I have been a fan of "Masters Of Horror" since I first heard about the series and watched the first one. I have found all the episodes to be truly unique, and seldom have I been let down. In all, I'd have to say that three of the episodes have really risen to the top, and my personal favorite would have to be "Jenifer"... A sincerely disturbing piece of horror, "Jennifer" takes us to places we have not, nor are we likely to ever venture again. Combining absolute grotesque-ness with sheer sexuality. I was shocked to learn that Steven (Wings) Weber had written the screenplay, but it just goes to show you what a talented guy he is. The direction of Dario Argento really brings this tale to life, with visuals you are not likely to see again any time soon. The story itself is a bizarre telling of a carnivorous yet gentle demon-like women, whom has the ability to seduce and destroy. The concept alone is a mind boggling triumph in horror writing, but presented to us in this fashion is an absolute treat in itself. If you like your horror a bit on the dark side, then "Jenifer" is a must see for you.... Truly rises to the top.