Atom Age Vampire
Atom Age Vampire
NR | 29 May 1963 (USA)
Atom Age Vampire Trailers

When a singer is horribly disfigured in a car accident, a scientist develops a treatment which can restore her beauty by injecting her with a special serum. While performing the procedure, however, he falls in love with her. As the treatment begins to fail, he determines to save her appearance, regardless of how many women he must kill for her sake.

Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Bezenby A mad scientist working in a lab in his house thinks he can cure all diseases, if only he can find a young female donor and...wait...didn't I just watch this one under the title of The Head? Ah, no - this is an Italian production of a similar story, but as this one is Italian there's a lot more here that doesn't make much sense, and is all the more entertaining for it. What plays out like a bog-standard mad scientist film branches off into madness as the scientist for no clear reason turns into a bloodthirsty monster halfway into the film, completely out of nowhere.That's enough to raise this one a couple of notches above The Head right away, but let's add in all the stuff that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Fair enough, the scientist turns into a monster of some kind, but that's kind of explained by his visit to Hiroshima post blast ( it at that and don't think too much). There's also the pointless scene where the scientist knocks down a wall in his basement where water is seeping through the bricks (shades of the Beyond there!)....that leads nowhere. Or the belly dancing scene where the dancer breaks the fourth wall. All that kind of crap.Once again, and early Italian trash film, but the trademarks are starting to crop up again, and are more welcome for it. What starts out as yet another mad scientist film is made better by the bad guy turning into a monster for no reason.And a dog kicks his arse, just like in Island Monster!
BA_Harrison There are no vampires in this cheapo Italian B-movie, atom age or otherwise. Instead, we get an obsessed scientist, Professor Alberto Levin (Alberto Lupo), who turns himself into a hideous monster in order to kill women for the gland needed to restore the looks of once-beautiful blonde stripper Jeanette Moreneau (Susanne Loret), whose face was horribly disfigured in a terrible automobile accident.Clearly influenced by French horror classic Les Yeux Sans Visage (1960) and Dr. Jeckyll and Mr Hyde, the plot for Atom Age Vampire is uninspired drivel, which might not be such a problem had the film been brilliantly paced, incredibly sleazy, wonderfully acted, or directed with flair, or if there had simply been some decent special effects to enjoy. But there aren't.Anton Giulio Majano's direction is flat, the movie seriously drags its heels with far too much talk and not enough action (I watched the heavily cut 86 minute edit—God only knows how dull the fully uncut version is), the cast are wooden, Loret offers a glimpse of cleavage, but that's all, and the transformation effects are of the crap time-lapse kind used several decades earlier to turn Lon Chaney Jr. into a wolf-man.For a really fun film that explores very similar territory, check out Corruption (1968)—it's everything that Atom Age Vampire should have been.
JoeKarlosi Many of us grew up seeing this Italian horror flick on TV under its alternate American title, ATOM AGE VAMPIRE. The most readily available copies are truncated and badly dubbed into English, and ran anywhere from 60 to 80-ish minutes, despite it originally being something like 105 minutes. My review is based on rediscovering the movie through a recently released Italian DVD in its original running time and true title - SEDDOK, L'ETEREDE SATANA. The results are definitely better, as there is a new striptease scene added in addition to more dialogue (all of it in Italian) and extra scenes with the monster featured in the film ... but this is still only a so-so time killer for dedicated horror hounds only.A gorgeous blonde stripper (Susanne Loret) has half her face scarred up after a bad car wreck, and so an older doctor (Alberto Lupo) who's been experimenting with glandular treatments manages to restore her beauty. But he ends up falling in love with her, and when the cure proves only to be temporary, the doctor must go out and kill other women in order to keep the restoration process going. Since he can't bring himself to murder, he willingly transforms into a horrible monster to give him the guts to carry out his diabolical intent.If the bulk of that synopsis does not sound familiar, well it should ... this is not by any means a fresh idea, and most recently had been dabbled with in a superior French film, LES YEUX SANS VISAGE (1959). The film in its original length does seem somewhat overlong and padded, though in all fairness the Italian DVD is only partly in English, as the new scenes were never dubbed. And since it's not English subtitled either, we are still away from the "perfect" release to evaluate the movie in the U.S. **1/2 out of ****
ThoseLittleRabbits Starting to notice the robot acting thing was very common in old movies. It's similar to the kind of acting you see in plays. I don't like it but I'm slowly getting used to it. The movie itself was entertaining enough to get me through the whole thing. The plot reminded me of a cross between Dr.Jekell/Mr. Hyde, and Ted Bundy. It was like Jekell/Hyde because the leading guy injects himself with one of his experiments and it turns him into a psycho. When becoming this his face changes and looks a cross between a gargoyle, and a distorted toad. He then gets the urge to kill women in the middle of the night with what looks like a scalpel. The part where he kills only women but has one girl in his life who he would never hurt and is in love with, reminds me of Ted Bundy. The killings were not as brutal and there wasn't rape.Although I know the acting in these old movies are expected to be bad/over the top, there was this one scene where when the psycho guy lures this woman in the streets to come up to him for a favor. Once the woman got a closer look at his face she gave out the most unbelievable scream I have ever heard. It was terrible. You would have thought the woman was parodying a horror film, in stead of actually being in a real horror movie. Worse acting ever.Other than that I somewhat enjoyed the movie, but I wouldn't see it again