| 02 December 2005 (USA)
Homecoming Trailers

A hotshot White House speech writer deals with the publicity nightmare of his life when recently deceased soldiers return from beyond the grave.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Wazzathekiller Obviously old Mr Dante didn't like the Bush administration. He was offered a spot on the 'Masters of Horror' bandwagon and thought that a good place to vent his spleen. Probably not the best idea as there's virtually no horror to be found here.However, not being a fan of Bush's foreign policy myself (or the imbecilic Howard that followed him to war licking his boots) I quite enjoyed this slap in the face to his politics. The line about the president actually being smart because he 'pretends to be stupid so the stupid people can understand him' brought a smile.This is a film you'll either enjoy or loath. Its a statement of Dante's point of view and you'll either agree or disagree. Its not designed to be subtle. It was not a time for subtlety. This was made at the height of the war and statements needed to be made. If you can't make a statement using the creative medium of film then all hope is lost. I admire him for putting it out there. As a political statement I enjoyed it, as a horror piece not so much. There wasn't enough death or chills for my liking. I kept waiting for the zombies to give up on voting and just start tearing out some entrails. They're trained soldiers after all. They could have spent some more coin on the zombie appliances as well. These guys are supposed to have been killed in battle probably shredded by road side bombs etc. I didn't see many melted faces, removed limbs or internal organs missing. On the plus side there were some nice images, (the dessicated corpses rising from the flags), some humorous moments, solid acting by Tenney and a decent script.The highlight came at the end. I saw another review where the removal of the woman's brains from the shot to the back of the head was questioned. This is the best bit of the film. She had to die, simply for the fact she was an annoying harlot that needed to be punished.If your looking for horror stay away from this one. If you hate the war, check it out.
JB Beverley The only reason I gave this episode of "Masters of Horror" a 2 instead of a 1 is because the two lead actors are good, and it wasn't shot on VHS. The story, the dialog, and the plot are ridiculous. Talking / Driving zombies who come back to vote and sway the political tide against the war! Give me a break! What next, zombies who come back to go skydiving? Maybe zombies who come back to host QVC shows? I never supported the Iraq war, but I do support the courage and sacrifice of the men and women of our armed forces; and "Homecoming" was disrespectful in that it mocks the TRUE horror of war. With zombies being mass produced in today's market... this is the SPAM of zombie-related entertainment. How "Homecoming" made it onto "Masters of Horror" is beyond me.
RainDogJr The director of Gremlins, Piranha, The Howling and Small Soldiers, a favourite of mine when I was a kid, bring to us the sixth episode of Season One and the Vol. 8 of the R4 DVDs. Homecoming is a really good episode and it is not quite far of my personal favourites from Season One. This time during one hour Joe Dante shows his story in a political field (it is based on Dale Bailey's short story "Death and Suffrage"). Basically the protagonists work very hard in order to keep their president, of course these persons are no fools and they don't care about anything else so that's terrific for their work. These types of characters are very well known. The paranormal thing happens and it is fun to watch the reactions of the protagonists, the persons that must give some answers. For them is so simple, just like if the zombie soldiers doesn't do anything hat affect their campaign plans they will treat them as heroes, as citizens that have all the right to vote yet the truth is other so suddenly and obviously they want to kill the living dead. This time the horror has already happened, of course in the war and now anyone who still has something to say is in home again. Here we have the logic end with those types of protagonists and a complete squad of living dead product of the many wars.It is an entertaining episode but it is not a complete horror hour. If you ask me, there are at least four episodes of the ones I have seen of Season One better than this one but still Joe Dante has give us a good one. Oh and by the way I think it is the first episode that I have seen without female nudity.PS: "At the end when the zombie soldiers coming out of their graves the tombstones have the names of veterans of the horror and zombie genre, easy to read are: Jacques Tourneur, G.A. Romero ( George A. Romero), Jean Yarbrough and Delbert Tenney ( 'Del Tenney (I)'), harder to read are: Lucio Fulci, Victor Halperin and Gordon Douglas. The (readable) graves have this order: Romero and Tenney in the first line, behind them Fulci and Halperin and in the last line behind Fulci is Tourneur, who is in the middle of Douglas and Yarbrough". That's from the trivia of this site. Definitely I have to watch that detail!
rob_runkle I can get over the political parody; even if this was SUPPOSE to be a "Masters of Horror" flick.But, what I can't get over is the blatant usage of our war heroes (and their sacrifice) as pawns in some washed up horror maker's political statement.To me it was purely insulting to desecrate Arlington, and our heroes. I have family at Arlington. The idea that this guy (Dante) would even portray the Arlington graves being disturbed just makes me want to puke.I'm done with Dante, and done with MOH.