R | 18 August 1995 (USA)
Jeffrey Trailers

Jeffrey, a gay man living in New York City with an overwhelming fear of contracting AIDS, concludes that being celibate is the only option to protect himself. As fate would have it, shortly after his declaration of a sex-free existence, he meets the handsome Steve Howard, his dream man -- except for his HIV-positive status. Facing this dilemma, Jeffrey turns to his best friend and an outrageous priest for guidance.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
sirquickie Easy comedy with the addition of drama. It looked easy and exciting. Reminiscent of the beginning of the series "Sex and the City." The film is taught to live and enjoy every day. You can not postpone anything.
Indiana Tyson Have to say that I felt sick after watching this big fat fluffy mess. Its just jumping on the band wagon of the caring 90's "fad" of political correctness. Not even Sigourney Weaver could save this celluloid abomination. What a waste of time. It was disturbing to see elderly parents discussing gay saunas with their son....Im not a puritan at all....but it was just stupid and not even funny. The actor playing jeffrey...whoa..... was one of the worst performance I've ever seen !....I was told by a friend who is HIV positive that he actually walked out of this film at a screening 15 minutes into it because it was so agitating. I decided to hire it and see for myself why so many people, mostly gay, say that this is the worst movie they have ever I know. Watch "The boys in the Band" (not really AIDS related) and "The Band Played On" (AIDS related) if you want to see something thats decent and at least watchable. Avoid this one....Im sure the director gets embarrassed when he looks back and realises what a mess this stupid film was.
JasonTyne This is a very silly movie. If you don't think that a movie about AIDS can be silly, you need to see this movie. Susan Sontag would be very happy to see a movie that defies the thought that AIDS=death, and that AIDS (or the fear of it) doesn't stop love or life. Jeffrey is a gay man in New York City who suddenly decides to stop having sex. His plan goes well until he meets a gorgeous man in the gym that he can't stop thinking about. The more he tries to maintain a sex-free lifestyle, the more he thinks about this man. His feelings for the man is complicated when it it revealed to Jeffrey that the man is HIV+. It's as smart as an ironic romantic comedy can be and as funny as a movie about life can be. Personally I think that Patrick Stewart was directed to be far to gay than he needs to be (Not all gay men are limp-wristed, Patrick.) and the world doesn't need another gay priest joke, but you can't take this movie to seriously. After all it's a romantic comedy!
gaelcelt I was hoping for a good movie, but unfortunately it was just really bland, plus it displays a few gay stereotypes. And all the way through it I was like "Oh God, give me a break! Giving up totally on sex and love and shunning a brilliant prospective life partner JUST because of the AIDS epidemic?! Get a life!" Sure, I understand Jeffrey's fears with the epidemic, but constantly pushing away Steve, his prospective Mr. Right, just made me want to slap him. Sure, there are good moments, such as people readily accepting homosexuality and the thugs who threatened to beat up Jeffrey acted beautifully, cruel and hatable, but beautifully nonetheless. But overall, this was nothing that special to see, and why include Mother Theresa? I thought it was somewhat awkward to put her in this movie. And at the end, I don't think that Steve would really forgive Jeffrey that quickly, if at all, after all that Jeffrey did to him. Please, don't waste time with this movie.