Me Him Her
Me Him Her
| 11 March 2016 (USA)
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Three very different people in their twenties try to figure out love, sex, identity and friendship in Los Angeles.

Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Twilightfa Watch something else. There are very few redeeming qualities to this film.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Rachelle Honestly, I loved this movie. It was comedic and touching without taking the viewer on an emotional roller-coaster. Having grown up in Los Angeles, I could really relate to the jokes regarding the city itself. It is by no means a movie that can be taken 100% seriously, as there are plenty of things that don't make sense and would never happen in real life. It has trippy elements to it that make it seem like the characters are sometimes high out of their minds. For some this might take away from the plot and make it seem insincere, but for me it just made me laugh even more. If you're looking for a lighthearted movie with major gay characters, some drama, and a silly adventure, you've hit the jackpot.
Richtofen-72 Max Landis' work as a screenwriter, YouTuber and pop culture figure/personality has been very divisive. He often finds himself under scrutiny as "obnoxious" or "intolerable". I never really got these. Maybe I'm both of those things, but someone having a different opinion than you and maybe a flamboyant way of putting that across should never be dismissed. Maybe I was predisposed to enjoy the heck out of this film. It deals well with a man discovering he's gay, a woman discovering she's bisexual, and a guy admitting he's depressed and unsatisfied. "Him", "Her", and "Me" - the "me" being a stand-in for Landis himself, presumably. The humour, the subject matter and the way it's dealt with, all come together well. The way it's shot comes across cheap, but with cinematic-enough lighting that you can look past that pretty quickly. I don't see what makes it "bad". It's just not going to have much of a lasting impact on me or the world. It's a good enough first feature. Didn't have to be a Whiplash or 10 Cloverfield Lane- type directorial debut. Too harshly judged.
socialnetworkman Sappy, artificial drama that'll make you squirm in your seat out of sheer discomfort. Max Landis lacks restraint when it comes to comedy, beating a joke over the audience with wild abandon. There are some genuinely funny moments (like Haley Joel Osment's cameo, and...), but they don't make up for petty, inconsequential drama. The characters almost seem to be a modern take on 90's sitcom caricatures; they overreact to everything--to which it seems we're suppose to find amusing...but it isn't--and they are as self-absorbed as humanly possible. With three unlikable leads and a jarring sense of humor... Me Him Her really could of used more of Haley Joel Osment and Scott Bakula.
siderite In the film you are warned beforehand that in LA the line between dreams and reality is thinner, but once you take the quirkiness away, the script is a classic boy meets girl. I love Max Landis and I think he is a brilliant writer, but this movie didn't feel quite right.I was laughing (which is grand in itself), but I predicted every joke before it happened. I wasn't surprised by the weirdness, therefore it felt superfluous.Without actually disliking the film - I had quite a bit of fun - I can't call it a success either. The sense of being off is quite strong. The actors did great, as well. Perhaps it was all too quirky without needing to. I don't know. I really think Landis can do a lot better.