Janie Jones
Janie Jones
| 17 September 2010 (USA)
Janie Jones Trailers

A young girl who has been abandoned by her former-groupie mother informs a fading rock star that she is his daughter.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Console best movie i've ever seen.
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
dansview I watched this because I like songwriting,road pictures, and the lead guy as an actor. But I couldn't stick with it. I left at the 3/4 mark. It was like watching a documentary of a no-talent loser strumming a guitar in bars. How long can you do that? OK Indie film world. There are a lot of Godless waste-oids floating around the states and the world. We get it already.Was this supposed to be summer time? No one was cold, there was no snow in the Heartland, and the kid was not in school. No one ever mentions school. They could have at least acknowledged what season it is. Where is she from? Elisabeth Shue would have been 46 when this was filmed. Thirteen years prio, she would have been 33. Isn't that a bit old for a groupie? Especially since she is eight years older than the lead guy in real life.I guess it was good that the music sucked, because then you can see why the guys is struggling and not famous anymore.I give credit for not dubbing in some soundtrack. The lead guy looks so much like Chris Martin of Coldplay by the way. We are to assume that years ago, with a full band, he sounded good and had a knack for writing poignant lyrics.Nivola (the lead) played his role with soul, as he always does. The little girl did well by not pushing any stereotypes of the jaded kid or the precocious one.I just didn't know where this was going,or maybe I knew all too well, and that's why I abandoned it.I don't recommend it to anyone. It's slower than molasses, and it's hard to root for anyone, other than the kid. Having said all that, it never stooped to sleaziness or preaching, and didn't slam you over the head with an Indie soundtrack to the non-musical scenes.
timandm I loved this movie.If you talk to people who have seen this movie, or read reviews, you will likely hear two things: 1: The story is an old one (cliche even) and 2: The ending is predictable. To be honest, this is absolutely true. And yet, you should watch this movie. It really is completely wonderful. The technical aspects of the movie are excellent; the acting, script, cinematography, etc... There are EXCELLENT actors and actresses in this movie.My one complaint, if you can really call it that, is the profanity. The language at times was such that I couldn't watch this with my 11 year old daughter. However, to be fair, the profanity wasn't 'gratuitous' in any way. The male lead character is a rock and roll star on tour. As such, things like drinking, drugs, sex, and profanity are expected. To portray a rock and roll band touring small clubs across the country without the use of profanity would make it unreal like a Disney film.The bottom line is this, This is a great movie. It will disturb you a little, break your heart a little, and then warm your heart GOBS.I recommend this movie, big time.
Tony Heck "I don't have a kid. I never even met this woman." Janie's (Breslin) mom (Shue) is having a rough time and is trying to get herself into rehab. She decides to finally introduce Janie to her rock star father (Nivola) in hopes that he will take care of her. When told of what would happen if he refuses, Ethan decides to take her. While on tour the band and Ethan's life begin to fall apart. I had pretty high expectations for this one because I really enjoyed "August Rush". While I like that the actors did their own singing this was not as good as "August Rush" was. I did really enjoy this movie though and highly recommend it but for those that have seen "August Rush" be prepared. The acting and story are very good but also extremely predictable, in most movies that hurts it, but this one still keeps you watching. If you like movies that are about music then this is a good one to check out. Overall, not as good as "August Rush" but still very much worth watching. I give it a B.
aegriffin This movie is about a down and out rock star who learns that he has a 13 year old daughter by a drug-addicted ex-groupie, whom, sadly, he doesn't remember. (The story has actually been done before in a terrible 1984 movie (the story line of which was suggested by 'Mick Jagger' (qv) entitled _Blame It on the Night (1984)_ (qv).) Fortunately, that's where the similarity ends as this is a much better film, with respect to both writing and acting. All performances are solid and credible and the viewer doesn't feel (at least as measured by the reaction of the audience at the Tribeca Film Festival) he wasted the price of admission. Ironically, the weakest part of the film is the music: the songs performed are so poor one wonders how the lead character could have become a rock sensation in the first place.