It's All About Love
It's All About Love
| 18 January 2003 (USA)
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The story of two lovers and their attempts to save their relationship in a near-future world on the brink of cosmic collapse. John, and world-famous ice skating star, Elena, are about to sign divorce papers when they realise that, in spite of everything happening around them, their love is worth fighting for. It's All About Love is a fresh take on modern love and future life as two lovers struggle in a conspiracy of epic proportions.

AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Lugodoc Cosmic disturbances are causing a new ice age, spontaneous heart attacks and Ugandan levitation, but John still takes time out from flying to work in Calgary to stop over in New York so his champion ice skating soon-to-be-ex-wife Elena can sign divorce papers. She is so good that her performances earn enough money to support an entourage of 50 in luxury hotels all over the world but they have discovered she is dying of heart failure and so have ordered 3 clones from Eastern Europe so they can kill her and work the clones in continuous 8 hour shifts, but the hit goes wrong and the assassin shoots all 3 clones instead by mistake. With their old friend Michael's help John and Elena flee to Russia by train but get off at the wrong station and freeze to death. Meanwhile John's brother Marciello is trapped in the sky, unable to land his plane anywhere because of the ice age and an overdose of anti-fear-of-flying drugs, and so cannot deliver his report to the UN on the cosmic disturbances, which due to brain damage caused by the drugs overdose he believes are caused by a love shortage.
momentarylogic This is the greatest movie I have ever seen. I have seen a lot of them, and found a great many to contain multiple layers (institute benjamenta, 2046) with multiple meanings and various viewpoints that the viewer can take. It was artists like these, like Peter Greenaway, who continually inform me on how film (as an artists tool) has evolved over time and each suggesting that it is a possibility of using story elements simply as chapter headings or function as a period, comma, parenthesis, bracket, or rather something marginalized in contrast with its real themes, content, or subjects.This is not a movie unsure of itself, it is a masterwork to be absolutely sure. And it is far beyond its time... it's all about love.
Brent Trafton I rented "It's All About Love" last night. When it was over, I hit "play" and watched it for a second time.This is a bizarre, ambitious, and uncompromising film. It is like a David Lynch film but without the horror. It is a basically a filmed dream.The director does not condescend to the audience by explaining everything or anything, which is probably why it got such bad reviews.From my viewpoint, the title explains what is happening in the movie. In this science fiction world, love is what holds the world together. Without it, the fabric of the world starts falling apart and people drop dead in the street, it snows in July, and people in Uganda start floating.This is definitely not a film for everybody. But if you are open minded and willing to go along for the ride, it is unlike anything you have seen before.If you are looking for a coherent plot and a linear story, this film is probably not for you.
jon-1554 ...and alas, this movie doesn't really have one. I was shocked to discover the director took an alleged two years to write the script. I think he must have used the same writing technique William Burroughs did gluing phrases together more or less at random to create Naked Lunch. In other words, the artist without any borders whatever may create a masterwork, but more likely will create a stillborn work.Now to be sure, if one thinks hard enough about "what it all means," the theme of compassion (or actually the decreasing amount of compassion) between human beings works. Ugandans "flying" away from earth is (or could be) a symbol for Ugandans so forgotten by the world that they no longer can stand on it. Sounds heavy, and maybe it would have worked except that particular symbol is only mentioned a couple times in passing and never developed into anything.Mr. Morrison... an allusion to Jim Morrison, the perhaps iconic art nihilist? Maybe. Isn't this fun? Or / and is Mr. Morrison symbolic of death, an interpretation we're surely offered nearer the end of the movie. Or not.Everyone's stepping over dead bodies, who died for lack of love (compassion). This did appeal to me, and impacted me in a lasting way, despite again being merely a prop rather than a developed part of the story.Filming was beautiful. Joakin Phoenix, Sean Penn, Clare Danes all tried admirably to invest their characters with depth, and oddly succeeded, as did Douglas Henshall (whom I remember for his great performance in "Orphans," a memorable and unique movie with a definite plot!). But the story, the story, the story...I didn't waste my time watching this... not totally, at least. I mourned, however, what could have been. This strange wreck could have been magnificent... but it really is all about plot.
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