Slow Burn
Slow Burn
R | 12 September 2000 (USA)
Slow Burn Trailers

A woman's lifelong pursuit of lost family diamonds is interrupted by the appearance of two escaped convicts.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
johndoechampionofthepeople This film is a masterpiece. The characters are transplanted from the 1899 novel McTeague by Frank Norris. This movie, however, does not tell the same story as that novel. It selects the setting of the final scenes of the novel, the desert, and it selects the novel's central theme of overpowering greed. It shows the conflict between the insanity of greed, embodied by Trina and the McTeagues, and the good-hearted man, Frank Norris. The final scene, where Trina looks off at her truck as it drives away, and she is now handcuffed to the dead Frank, delivers the punch line of the commentary of this story: that greed never gets you anywhere.Many people will find this film to be low quality or boring; however, read McTeague, then watch this film. If you do that, everything will fall into place.
Bob_the_Hobo Minnie Driver plays a woman looking for diamonds lost by her ancestors out in the desert, when she stumbles upon two criminals (Spader and Brolin) who have miraculously stumbled upon the diamonds on accident, and who quickly take her captive. Driver has to figure out how to get the diamonds to herself and try to ditch her captors, while a mysterious old friend, Stuart Wilson, watches the events unfold from a distance and narrates Driver's past.Minnie Driver makes an adequate lead, but it's James Spader who makes this movie. He plays a real goon; a rat-like voice and the only one with a gun. He gets increasingly desperate to escape his purgatory in the middle of nowhere and make the diamonds his. His mentally slow but good-hearted partner in crime, Brolin, and the antics of Driver lead his character. A great performance that kept me hooked, despite reading the other reviews.Great cinematography to this movie. It's all shot in the desert, and the dry heat is beautifully captured. Ditto for the costumes. Spader and Brolin's bumbling conmen aren't used to the weather, and their faces are chapped and blistered in startlingly realistic fashion. The movie's biggest problem is Stuart Wilson's bizarre, almost random narration. His character isn't very well set up in the beginning and you spend most of the movie trying to figure out his relevance to the story. It's purpose is a way to wrap up the loose ends, but I would have liked the film more if it had just abandoned the explanation of the past and made instead a character study of this trio.Overall, I recommend it.
Ms. Vyk WARNING: SPOILERS WITHINBased on some of these recommendations, I rented this movie over the weekend. I kept waiting for the "payoff." I kept waiting for Minnie Driver's Trina to get sun blistered like her cohorts. Why was her so complexion so creamy after growing up in the desert? This was so, so faulty and unbelievable. You never saw her with sunscreen (not that it would help in that desert sun!) Anyway, I thought she was a terrible actor. Was she trying to be seductive during the bellows scene when they were trying to solder the car part? She had the same deadpan expression on her face! And now I learn that Josh Brolin is her real life paramour??? My main frustration, however, are the loose ends. Just what happened the night her mother was supposed to run off with Marcus? Did Trina really shoot her mother? Didn't we see an earlier flashback where the mother shot Marcus after telling him neither she nor Trina was leaving with her? And what's up with the rocks-diamonds-switch? Who made the switch? Duster or Marcus? When? And, finally, just where the hell did Marcus put the diamonds? Did he swallow them? Or were they scattered over the desert? Oh, one more thing: why didn't she just keep SOME of the diamonds in her pockets? I was actually yelling at the screen and that doesn't happen very often. As for Duster's little "leave it all in the past" speech, I kept asking just what would her plan be if she did leave the desert? She has no id, has never been to school, has very few skills, no references, no money. How would she survive? Do not, I repeat, do not waste your time on this movie. Look for GREED, as I plan to do.
spacey216 Beautiful scenery, including Minnie Driver, but not much else. She remains striking while all the other males in the cast have their skin fall off due to the climate. This movie is clearly a ripoff of the classic "The Treasure of the Sierra Madre", merely substituting diamonds for gold dust. I never could understand the relationships between the characters. Why did she not bolt at the first opportunity, or sleep with one of them? (Either answer would have made more sense than the plot line.)There wan't anyone to root FOR. A hero or heroine would have been nice!