Ip Man: The Final Fight
Ip Man: The Final Fight
PG-13 | 20 September 2013 (USA)
Ip Man: The Final Fight Trailers

In postwar Hong Kong, legendary Wing Chun grandmaster Ip Man is reluctantly called into action once more, when what begin as simple challenges from rival kung fu styles soon draw him into the dark and dangerous underworld of the Triads. Now, to defend life and honor, he has no choice but to fight one last time...

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Jenni Devyn Worth seeing just to witness how winsome it is.
classicsoncall Virtually every other review for this movie here on IMDb is posted by someone familiar with the real life Ip Man or having a solid interest in martial arts films. I don't have any of that in my background, I simply picked the film up because I'll take in a kung fu flick, in this case Wing Chun, from time to time just to see what's current. The plus side for this movie had to do with an actual story instead of crazy wire work and impossible flying moves that would wind up decimating someone if they were actually hit just once. The picture is competently made and directed, and the fight scenes are generally realistic without going over the top in terms of violence and gore. Anthony Wong appeared to be a reasonable choice for the role of the title character, taking an interest in his students and assuming the mantle of a grand master with equanimity and calm. The film could have better explained why he stayed behind in Hong Kong after Madame Ip left, that was a big question mark for me. But as I say, I'm not invested in the history of the real Ip Man so how accurate this all was did not have a bearing on my enjoyment of the picture.
meltinzone This movie had me in tears. I hate people who cry in movies. Something about KungFu and Wing Chun and this man, what do I say. Kung-Fu lives in everybody, this movie, wow. I clapped at the end, though I was the only one sitting in the room, at a monitor and desk all by myself, i still clapped. 10/10.Too moved to say anything else atm.... other than I've watched the other three, so maybe it has had a larger effect on me. Wow. We should all strive to be like Ip Man.. truly, what a spirit he was. :..(Not many things have me in tears like this, but this movie, really something special...
A_Different_Drummer There is something hypnotic, mystifying and dignified about watching how a true Master lives life day to day, and the real power of this film is precisely and absolutely about that dignity. Anthony Wong is excellent and, with a single exception, the direction and pacing is excellent also. Ironically, the sole flaw in the film is the final fight scene where a geriatric Ip Man does his "final" battle with a local thug. And that is the key to this film. It takes the better part of two hours to get to this point. If, by the time you do get there, you have not yet connected with the movie, and you are hoping to get a rush from the fight, you will be sadly disappointed. Not that the fight is badly done, simply that it is not well done. There is a difference, especially in Asian films where a good fight can make or break a film. Given the pace of Ip Man 3, given the age of the main character, the final battle should have consisted of a smaller number of moves done with greater clarity and intent. Instead, with no warning, the director finds his inner SHAW BROTHER and the final fight is paced quickly, with flash cuts, and even a downpour from the heavens to confuse an already confused scene. On the other hand, if, by the time you get to the "final battle," you have already come to appreciate the film for what it really is, the final fight will be merely the icing on the cake. And a tasty cake at that.
Y O This is just another a fantasy eastern movie. It is very disappointing and even if you give it a try, you will end up with a crappy cheap movie which is pure fiction and uses grandmaster yip man's name and disgraces him. The fighting scenes and the main story reminds of a soap. The techniques are not really WT. WT fights are not supposed to take more time as really needed. Most of the attacks are deadly and so if you don't wear some protecting gear, you will be dead within a minute or severely injured and need medical assistance. Beside that, you cannot see any martial art techniques in this movie which are in any way interesting. The actors have barely skills and that does not include WT in any way. One of the most important technique called 'chain punch' is just not available in this movie. The other Ip Man movies released before include that and are far beyond competition with this movie.
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