| 05 August 1997 (USA)
Intensity Trailers

Chyna Shepherd is a twenty-six-year-old psychology student who survived an extremely troubled past. While visiting Laura Templeton's house, a farm in the Napa Valley. A serial killer named Edgler Foreman Vess breaks into the house, killing Laura and her parents. Chyna survives, but she learns of Vess's captive: a girl, just as innocent as Chyna, trapped in Vess's home far from the Napa Valley.

Matrixston Wow! Such a good movie.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
ctomvelu1 A troubled young woman agrees to stay with a girlfriend at the girlfriend's parents' home in a remote location. A maniac breaks into the house and kills the girlfriend and her parents. The troubled young woman escapes from the house but finds a captive girl in the killer's van. She decides to do something about it, and this leads to a confrontation between the woman and killer. Sound vaguely familiar? It should. A few years later, the basic plot was reworked for the French fright flick, HIGH INTENSITY. John C. McGinley is the deranged killer, and he's quite persuasive as a homicidal maniac. The rest of the cast is pretty much unknown, as this was shot on the cheap in Canada for TV consumption. It is intense, indeed, and I would not recommend it for anyone under the age of 14 or thereabouts.
funkybiatch79 Sometimes when you read a book before seeing the movie the end result can be a disappointment... not so with "Intensity". This was a great movie that had all the characterisation of the book along with all the edge of your seat thrills and scares. I would definitely recommend that anyone who enjoyed this film read the book as there are a few details that obviously couldn't be translated to the screen. I read the book when I was about 15 and thought it would make a great movie and I was not wrong. Molly Parker makes a great Chyna, playing her with just the right balance of angst and ballsiness. Tori Paul's Ariel is just as I'd imagined her and the young actress's ability to play her with a constant look of absence could be described as somewhat haunting. But it is John C. McGinley, as the sadistic Edgler Foreman Vess, who really steals the show. I can think of no other actor capable of playing this character. The wonder of Edgler Vess is that at the same time as being an absolutely disgusting monster of a man he is also written as disarmingly charming. McGinley manages to play him perfectly. For anyone who has ever seen McGinley in "Scrubs" they should try to imagine his Dr. Cox with a penchant for actually doing all the things he threatens to do. From the moment we first see him in the movie we understand that here is a man with no limits to what he will do just to feel the intensity of the moment. It is not until a little further into the movie that you realise that Vess is actually a fully functioning member of the community who is actually quite adept at interacting with the people he meets in a slick and charming manner (if he so chooses.) Overall this is an excellent screen adaptation of a brilliant book. I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys their thrillers with a slightly disturbing edge. Watch and enjoy!
breel46-1 I loved this movie. I believe I saw it on Lifetime television network in 2004. Can you tell me when and where it will be showing again and the time. I am central daylight time.The movie was all the action, adventure, horror, and drama that I love. The actors played their parts wonderful and I was on the edge of my seat.I love Dean Koontz work and I remember in the movie that the crazy man was always fooling the girl. It was just like real life drama. It was so real that it was like being there.Thank you for your help in this matterBreel46
ccener2001 I am utterly confused by this movie! I just saw it on "free" OnDemand on Comcast and it ended with the villain pointing a gun in the heroine's face and the words "To Be Continued..." However, I found no listing for any continuation on the OnDemand listings.I'm guessing that this was a multi-part made-for-TV movie...I'm new to OnDemand, but find it incredible that they'd offer PART of a multi-part movie, and not the rest!Talk about a cliffhanger! Does anyone know what's up here?!? I'd be satisfied just knowing that there IS more! Can I assume that, now that it's on cable, I could get it on DVD?