R | 02 September 2011 (USA)
InSight Trailers

While tending to a stabbing victim, Kaitlyn is electrocuted and awakens to find that she is experiencing the memories of the now-deceased woman.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Steineded How sad is this?
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Chantel Contreras It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
evan98748 None of these people got the ending!This movie is rated low because most people did not get the true twist!I never wrote a review, but i had to for this movie. The ending was great and it is hard for many to put the pieces together. There are many clues this movie throws out at the audience that will tell you the true killer. Most people will have to watch the movie again when they have a better idea of who the kill may be.The ending is not up for interpretation like one review wrote. There is one killer. You have to really listen to everything the characters say and you can figure it out. Please rate this review so others will see it, thanks!
Film Fan Insight is one of the most exciting films I've seen in a long time. From the first beat to the last, my heart was racing with inexplicable and unexpected excitement, a feeling shared by others I talked to afterwards. The story grabs you right away, and you hang on for the ride until you get dumped off on your butt at the end, blinking and wondering what the heck just happened. You immediately want to see it again to catch all the subtleties you know you missed the first time around! This fast-paced flick is a multi-dimensional thrill- ride layered with subtle psychological/philosophical/sociological twists and turns that intrigue the viewer all the way to the end and leaves you unsure of what dimension you've arrived at and what conclusion to draw. The direction, camera work, acting and chemistry are right on target; characters exude mystery,pathos, loyalty, betrayal, lechery all leading to the question of Who Killed Allison Parks?! See this film and you will not be disappointed!
mina-magdy42 i don't write a lot of reviews actually , maybe because i am too lazy to waste some time writing on some stupid movie so i just rate it with 2 or 3 and move on . but when it comes to a good movie i became really happy to rate it with high rating because i admire the effort of acting and production . BUT THIS MOVIE made me bored to the point i didn't stand to the end of the movie because i really hated it !!! , it's just a repeated old story we watched it in a lot of movies i mean the visions which no one can see except the leading actor and all the mysterious bull sh** around the crime and all the spooky supporting actors who trying to mislead the viewer to think about who did the crime blah blah ...... well if u don't wanna be bored then simply don't watch it
Tony Heck "She spoke to me, I think she was trying to tell me who stabbed her." When ER nurse Kaitlyn (Zea) is helping to try and save a young stabbing victim's life she begins to talk to her. Kaitlyn then begins to see the victim's memories and tries find the person who stabbed the young girl. This is a hard movie to review. The idea is actually pretty neat, the acting isn't terrible but the big problem is that it keeps repeating itself over and over. It seems like a 20 minute segment that they keep re-writing. That said I actually kinda liked it and it kept me interested the whole time. The only way to describe this is that it is a movie based off the TV show "Medium". If you liked that show then this is a movie for you. The best part hands down though is the twist ending and like some movies the ending actually makes you like the movie more then you would have. Worth watching for the ending. Overall, a very OK movie with a neat twist at the end. I give it a B.