This Must Be the Place
This Must Be the Place
R | 02 November 2012 (USA)
This Must Be the Place Trailers

A bored, retired rock star sets out to find his father's tormentor, an ex-Nazi war criminal who is a refugee in the U.S.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
R Marie This film has beautiful performances and words - it's the moments that end up holding the most merit. Otherwise, a lot of it is lost on a practical level. For example, I didn't understand most of the characters' relationships on a completely literal level. How were Mary and her mother related to Cheyenne? What did Mary say in the first scene at the mall coffee shop? Between the unintelligible way they spoke and the (refreshing) non-expositional quality of the movie, you just have to take it as it comes. Much of the dialogue is poetic and nuanced, the performances from each actor are strong, and the photography is fun. I found it to be poetic and wonderful despite its befuddling aspects.
urbantrashri There's a new master filmmaker in town! If the devil--or drag queen--is in the details-- this three hours of drama slams it out of the park with its use of inanimate objects and color as characters, embedded numbers as methods of communication, and--ultimately a psychological choreograph of the life of a man struggling to reconcile rejection from his father and vein idolatry from the masses while retaining inner sanctum. Viewers are bound to the screen as they watch the main character - -and his five mirrored images--move through the phases of life and resolution for family honor all without compromise. You won't watch it once--but have plenty of frozen pizza and orange juice on hand when you do.
roy78 Forget about the low score this film received. If you are interested in complex characters, beautiful cinematography, wonderful performances and deep story telling this movie is for you. its a quest in America and a quest of a lost soul searching for purpose and answers in this "troubled and beautiful world of ours" as chayenne says. the combination of one of most talented directors of our time(sorentino) combined with one of the finest actors(penn)is nothing less than extraordinary. Penn manages to bring chayenne to life in ways that match his greatest performances ever. Combined with excellent soundtrack, wonderful scenery of American landscape and great supporting cast(Frances Mcdurmond, Harry dean stanton among others) "This must be the place" delivers bigtime. its not less of an achievement than sorentino's latest masterpeace "The Great Beauty".
SnoopyStyle Cheyenne (Sean Penn) is a weird looking retired rock star living in Dublin. He spends his days hanging out with his young friend Mary (Eve Hewson, Bono's daughter) trying to set her up with a straight laced guy working at the mall. After the death of his father whom he hasn't talked to in 30 years, he finds that he's been hunting a little known Auschwitz guard named Aloise Lange. So he decides to continue the hunt himself.There is nothing wrong with weird, and I like Sean Penn's odd looking soft spoken ex-rocker character. I like his relationship with Mary. It's funny that he keeps trying to set her up with somebody who has nothing in common with her. Then it takes a turn into the surreal.It's like they abandoned a good movie to do another movie. All the characters in the first act are basically dropped once he goes on the Nazi hunt. The nice semi-father-daughter relationship is dropped. The wife is dropped. The final reveal is kinda interesting, but it's not worth the lost opportunities of good character relationships.
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