Innocent Voices
Innocent Voices
R | 14 October 2005 (USA)
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A young boy, in an effort to have a normal childhood in 1980s El Salvador, is caught up in a dramatic fight for his life as he desperately tries to avoid the war which is raging all around him

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
signeriddervold My ex boyfriend is from El Salvador and he was the one that told me about this movie. It was really hard to get a hold of it since I live in Norway. But finally I did, and it was very eye-opening. What people can do to children, so young and so innocent, making them war machines without them even choosing. I am glad I saw this movie. It is horrible to see what life was like during the war, especially from an eleven-year-old's perspective. Also, I thought the filming was significant! I loved the beautiful, also yet sad details that were added in the filming. The actors/actresses were amazing. I wish I could see Chava play in more movies, because he has talent! I will for sure force my friends to watch this movie:)
magilroy Throughout the movie Innocent Voices, Luis Mandoki enlightens the viewer on the a tragic situation that took place in El Salvador. Based on a true story, Innocent Voices is about the struggles that kids had to endure during a war between the government and the guerrillas, a resistance group. Chava, the main character, is a young boy who is left the man of the house when his father leaves his family just as the country enters war. Chava displays bravery and brings a different point of view towards war and how it affects the kinds intermingled in it. From hiding under a bed from incoming bullets to spreading the word about the upcoming government child recruitment, Chava constantly does what he can to help his uncle, a guerrilla, and his family from being subjected to unfair treatment. Chava also begins to like a classmate of his and is cutely nicknamed "toad" by her. Through the child's perspective on war, director Luis Mandoki educated me on different social problems that occur in El Salvador including the lack of education. He also subtly introduces the reason for the war which is because the government tried taking land from the peasants. The many different social problems that the movie addresses was very refreshing compared to the constant flow of action movies seen in the U.S. This movie is an amazing movie which I would recommend to people with most any taste as it satisfies many different likes.
drhupp I have now seen this movie twice and I have greatly enjoyed it both times. It is more of a suspenseful movie as you have to wait for things to work themselves out. Chava was definitely my favorite character in the movie even though he was a bit stubborn at times. I've never seen a movie that has a plot relating to this one, where once you turn 12 you are taken to the military and forced to fight against rebel forces. That sounds terrifying to me as I think back on my twelve year old self. I couldn't do that! It's very easy to tell that this is nothing like an American film because for one, speaking Spanish, and the cultural values are much different than that of Americans. Overall, I liked this movie and how it is based off a true event that took place in El Salvador and I wouldn't change the ending at all as Chava was reunited with his mother.
Rolando Bz One of the best movies out there on the caste war effects on the lives of a family in El Salvador. The dad leaves the family to go to the USA, supposedly to help them. Chabita, the elven year old child, is confronted by the military force backed by the USA who are recruiting kids for the war against the guerrillas. It's in Spanish but I suspect there is an English subtitle on DVD. The scenes with the priest is also interesting as it allows us to appreciate the role of liberation theology during the caste war. *An emotional film worth seeing especially for us in Belize given our experience with the movement of peoples to this territory due to exploitive interests and wars.
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