Killer Mountain
Killer Mountain
| 26 August 2011 (USA)
Killer Mountain Trailers

A team of climbers is assembled by a rich and eccentric man to rescue a missing expedition he sent up to a forbidden mountain who disappeared after sending out one last disturbing radio message.

WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
wes-connors In a flashback to 1954 Bhutan, a Himalayan mountain group suffers though terrifying tragedy. It looks like a man is sucked into a black hole, but this is incorrect; rewinding, this is actually our first look at one of the movie's monsters. Presently, another crew has followed this 1954 group up the mountain. They have been lost for four weeks. Colorado climbing school teacher Aaron Douglas (as Ward Donovan) is asked to lead a rescue expedition. The expert climber declines as he has retired and put on a little weight. However, wealthy financier Andrew Airlie (as Walter Burton) persuades Mr. Douglas to change his mind, after noting that Douglas's ex-girlfriend Emmanuelle Vaugier (as Kate Pratt) is among the missing...Accompanying Douglas on his rescue crew are handsome young Torrance Coombs (as Chance) and sexy doctor Crystal Lowe (as Nina Preston). Mysteriously popping pills, Mr. Airlie manages to include his wise-guy son Paul Campbell (as Tyler). They have ulterior motives. A lot of "Killer Mountain" doesn't make a lot of sense, but it manages to surprise you, just a little. After a laborious amount of running time, there are some good low-budget action. Sheldon Wilson and Peter Sullivan also score with star Douglas – note how he taps his stomach when initially declining to go on the expedition – and a few of his sporting players. Especially noteworthy is the interplay between the co-stars.***** Killer Mountain (8/27/11) Sheldon Wilson ~ Aaron Douglas, Torrance Coombs, Paul Campbell, Emmanuelle Vaugier
Sean Kaye Get a hot chick, in this case Emmanuelle Vaugier (she was on 2 1/2 men and is a hotty), add some dudes, go to some place remote, (in this case an abandoned mine shaft in the Vancouver area), introduce some blood thirsty CGI creatures that will kill them off, one by one until the end when there's only 1 guy and the hot chick left, have them suddenly hold hands before the credits roll (because they have fallen in love while fighting to survive), then have them walking away from the camera making jokes and planning their future together. That's it, formulaic trash and it's all the same. "Tasmanian Devils" had the exact same ending. Only watch this if you're ill and stuck in bed or really have nothing else to do.
TheLittleSongbird To be honest, I was expecting Killer Mountain to be much worse than it was. It was far from a great movie, and was forgettable at the end of the day, compared to the cheaply made terribly acted and scripted wastes of time that are usually associated with SyFy originals it was tolerable. It is much less cheap than I thought it would be visually, the scenery and photography do look dark and cold, and actually attempts to evoke some sort of atmosphere, and the CGI effects while not mind-blowing actually look as though effort was made into constructing them. The acting is likewise not extraordinary but is decent, particularly the female lead, and while I think more could have been done with a clearer definition of what it was and how it came to be, the monster was more than okay in design and did exude some menace. But sadly here come the problems. While Killer Mountain is not a terrible movie, there is never really anything thrilling about it either. The story too often is sloppy and predictable, with some exposition bits that could have been shortened or cut easily, with no real sense of suspense or dread with the killings. The script is nothing memorable and feels rather bland and aimless at times, and the characters are no different from the usual stereotypical and uninteresting characters you find more often than not with SyFy's resume. All in all, forgettable but watchable enough. 4/10 Bethany Cox
katcocat Why shoot on location when there's a perfectly good version of Photoshop available? Anyone who's hoping to see some cool shots of impossible to climb mountains is going to be very disappointed with this film. Anyone who's hoping for a realistic male lead who's an expert at climbing is going to be very surprised. The lead in this film doesn't look like he ever climbs the stairs let alone a mountain. They did a bit better with the female lead but not by much and the only other woman in the film played a doctor who appeared to be easily frightened. Not sure what she was doing there in the first place, you'd have thought they'd have written a character made of sterner stuff. It starts off bad and goes downhill from there. Don't waste any money on it.