R | 21 June 2005 (USA)
Immortal Trailers

In the distant future, Earth is occupied by ancient gods and genetically altered humans. When a god is sentenced to death he seeks a new human host and a woman to bear his child.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
Steineded How sad is this?
Pluskylang Great Film overall
GazerRise Fantastic!
twhughes-00286 Had difficulty following it at times, but overall, very enjoyable. Very conceptual, and with no pre-text for anything, left with a lot of questions. But questions I enjoy, not everything has to be spelled out. Overall, was wanting for more.
gagarinmiljkovich Originality and... Originality.Immortel is a one of the greatest sci-fi/fantasy movies I have seen.The first time I watched Immortel, some years ago, I doesn't liked it. Now, several years later, I liked it.It has a multi-layered, workable plot striated with hyper-techno meets Egyptian myth, all in a boy meets girl format.The producers were not working off of a Hollywood big budget, so what minor inconsistencies existed with special effects (which were great, anyway) were negligible.An unwilling hero is a rare Archetype & I applaud the script writer for such realistic characters within the film.Thank you, Enki Bilal, for offering this masterwork to us. Excellent !!
DesertDogMedia Title: Immortal Condensed Storyline: In future New York a floating pyramid has appeared. Horus has judgement cast upon him, so he must find the body of a male to inhabit so he can impregnate a female to preserve his immortality. Notable Acting: I was happy with the performance of Thomas Kretshmann who plays Nikopol, he was the only character who I actually liked in this movie. But this is understandable because he is a known movie actor, appearing in movies such as 'King Kong' and 'The Wanted'. Whereas the other actors are lesser known. Noticeable Camera work: I think one of the few non-standard ones we were given were the POV shots from Jill, but sadly there isn't all too much else to make this movies cinematography stand out. Graphics: I have mentioned that this movie is an odd mixture between CGI and live action. I would have preferred the movie to be one or the other, or at least not to have CGI actor. The heads of the gods are nicely done on one part, but their mouths do not move this is one thing that annoys me, because it looks like they are wearing masks which are fused to their heads and they are trying to speak in a mask. It also has the same movement of the mask of someone trying to speak in one. There is also no emotion presented by the gods as well, their facial expression does not movie which I found slightly boring. But at least they can blink. Incorrect Science: I don't know... I just don't know, this movie has magic gods so I can't really point out the science is wrong, because magic. I find the car system odd as some seem to run on cables like a tram, yet the same cars can fly. I don't see the full logic in this. Overall Feel: The movie is based off the French comic 'La Foire Aux Immortels' and is just as visually interesting as the comic. The movie mixes live action and CGI, this wouldn't seem odd for today, but its the way that it is mixed that is odd. There are human characters which are made of standard CGI while there are others which are actual actors. I will say this now, in defense of this movies oddness. This movie feels like an auteur movie and was designed in the way it is to be stylized. I have mixed feelings about this movie, part of me likes it because it is a movie about Egyptian gods and not about mummies for once. But the other part of me doesn't like it because the CGI and live action do not mix, if I was watching it and the movie had Avatar style CGI, I would love it. But it has CGI which is easily compared to that of current generation games (Xbox 1/PS4), this isn't a bad thing, but it leaves much more to be desired from this. They also didn't give my favourite god lots of screen time (Anubis) and they straight up left out my second favourite (Set). But you do get to see the rivalry between the gods especially once Nikopol mentions Anubis and gets "Don't mention that jackal's name, only my name" I do like this dynamic that the gods do not like each other. For all the movie's flaws I can't help but enjoy the movie, it is a different type of movie. It wouldn't fit into A-Lists of B-Lists, it would be in its own alternative list. I can understand while people wouldn't like this film, it is a different type of movie and wouldn't be one which everyone would like. But given a chance, it could surprise people.
Martin van stein There are some in this world who say that with certain movies you have to turn a blind eye to a certain aspect of what makes a movie. For example those people say that when you watch transformers don't expect Shakespeare and just watch the explosions and nice CG.Even though I dislike mindless movies like transformers, the sheer quality of work done by the respective cg artists makes it barely watchable.This movie doesn't have any strong points, none whatsoever: - the CG is terrible (badly animated daz3d stockmodels - story unappealing....if you like Egyptian gods in a "modern setting" watch stargate, if you want to see an existential movie watch the 5th element or better yet the matrix. - bad defense of the actors i would like to add that even robert de niro could not make this movie workI saw another review here saying that you should watch or read other stuff this Erik Bilal has made in order to appreciate this advice would be not to, there are far better comic book/graphic novelists out there I am pretty sure of if this movie gave you a head ache like it did with me..just stop watching.I would rather watch static noise on TV than this..really it is that bad